- make sure a historical fact 坐实
- This is a historical fact of the past 500 years. 这是近五百年来历史所遗留下来的史实。
- This is an objective reality and a historical fact. 这是客观的存在,历史的事实。
- Make sure a default printer has been installed. 确保已经安装默认打印机。
- Make sure a safe working environment, zero safe accident. 确保安全的生产环境,零安全事故。
- It's a historical fact. 这是历史事实。
- Make sure a diskette is inserted into the drive and the door is closed. 查明软盘是否已插入驱动器,驱动器门是否被关闭。
- He had held in his hands unmistakable proof of the falsification of a historical fact. 他掌握了无可置疑的证据,可以证实有一个历史事实是伪造的。
- If no printer has been specified, make sure a default printer has been installed. 如果未指定打印机,请确保安装了一个默认打印机。
- The story, a historical fact, happened in the 17th century. Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty was married to a Tibetan king. 舞剧取材于公元17世纪唐代文成公主远嫁土蕃(今西藏)国王的史实。
- Use NOT when you want to make sure a clause is not equal to one particular value. 如果希望确保某子句不等于特定的值,请使用NOT。
- A tale full of oddities, the most striking of which is that of women constables, given as a historical fact regarding a particular police system. 这是一篇充满稀奇古怪的故事。它最引人注目的是关于女警察的描写。女警察是作为特殊警察制度这样一种历史事实来叙述的。
- Use NOT when you want to make sure a value is not equal to one particular value. 当要确保一个值不等于某一特定值时,可以使用NOT。
- Abstract: The sinification of Marxist Philosophy is not only a historical fact ,but also a basic theoretical reality in our country. 文章摘要: 马克思主义哲学中国化既是一个历史事实,同时也是我国的基本理论现实。
- The login server should now be properly checking to make sure a proposed name isn't already in use. 登陆服务器现在会正确验证玩家名字是否已经被使用了。
- A historical fact is that, since the Qing and Han Dynasties, such a legal thought of equality has had not disappeared despite that Mohist School diedaway. 历史的一个事实是秦汉以降,墨家销声匿迹,但其平等法律观并没有随着其学派的消失而消亡。
- Also make sure a probe is capable of collecting data even at the network near-saturation point, when visibility is most crucial. 当可见性最为关键时,要确保探头甚至能在网络接近饱和点上收集数据。
- Before setting off on the next pitch, always make sure a redirect is clipped as high as possible on the belay. 在出发攀爬下一段线路前,永远都要在保护器的上方设置一个受力变向保护点,位置越高越好,并确定将保护绳扣入。
- Let's look at this from a historical standpoint. 让我们从历史的观点来看待这一切。
- Make sure a school or program is accredited by a legally recognized accrediting agency before pay paying any money.. 在付钱之前要确定学校或者课程是被法律认可的认证机构所认证。