- make standard or the norm. 给某事物制定标准或规格。
- It is, for example, language which makes the assumption that the male in society or the male view of society is the norm. 如果一种语言理所当然地假定一切应以社会上的男性、或者社会上男性的观点为规范标准,这种语言就是性别歧视的语言。
- Other states can then choose to follow either the Californian standard or the federal one. 之后,其他的州可以参照加州或者联邦政府的标准。
- But after wecomplete to an article translation and in the general meeting has withthe standard or the reference translation comparison 'pales bycomparison' the feeling. 但当我们自己把对一篇文章的翻译完成并在与标准或参考译文对照后总会有“相形见绌”的感觉。
- Criminal behaviour seem to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- Criminal behaviour seems to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- The government front bench or the treasury bench. 政府成员前排席或国务大臣前排席。
- These five statuettes are different from the norm. 这五个小雕像跟一般的不同。
- He is a reliable witness or the witness is completely reliable. 他是一个可靠的证人或完全可信任的证人。
- To reduce to a standard or an average; equalize. 使平衡使削减到一个标准或平均值;使平衡
- Creates the norm of a quaternion. 创建四元数的模方。
- Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose. 混乱,无秩序无任何凝聚性准则,如共同标准或目标
- Yet for North Korea, intransigence is the norm. 其实对于棒棒来说,永不妥协是他们一如既往的性格。
- A deviation, as from a standard or practice. 背离从标准或常规等的偏离
- In Europe broods of three to six pups are the norm. 在欧洲,一窝产三至六崽很常见。
- Shut the door or the light will fog the film. 把门关上,不然亮光能使底片发灰。
- A standard or banner, as of a military unit. 军旗一个部队单位的旗帜
- Whether it was or not, fault is now the norm. 无论这种想法是否正确,现在的标准是过错。