- make some noise about 为; 为 ... 吵闹
- Na na na na, stand up make some noise. 缺缺缺缺;站起来;使一些噪音.
- Na na na na na, stand up make some noise. 不详不详不详不详不详;站起来;使一些噪音.
- Cause you need the pellet to make some noise when it his it. 因为当子弹中靶时,需要发出声音。
- The drill will make some noise, so keep your eyes peeled for the cops. 我钻的时候会有声音,所以妳得睁大眼睛,注意看有没有警察。”
- The set was fairly subdued until the end, when the rapper encouraged the audience to make some noise. 观众被压抑的情绪直到最后那位说唱歌手鼓励他们大声叫喊的时候才完全释放出来.
- When Zo, Box and Atom first met each other in 2005, they decided to make some noise &pop music! 当子健、博宣及阿童木在2005年第一次相遇,他们便决定要组个乐队,弄些好玩流行的噪音来娱乐一下年青人!
- Print ad campaign for Amnesty International's “Make Some Noise” concert in Hungary. Agency: DDB, Hungary. [ via ] ... 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏噪音广告查看全文2007-09-2707:38:00
- It is worthy of yourselves, worthy of the antecedents of the Gun Club; and it cannot fail to make some noise in the world. 它无愧于你们,无愧于大炮俱乐部的祖先,可以肯定,它将要轰动全世界。
- She made a lot of noise about the poor food. 她高声抱怨食物太差。
- Even most equipment that we consider silent makes some noise: Turning on the stovetop returns a hiss of gas and a gratifying “whoomp” as the pilot ignites the burner. 甚至很多我们认为沉默的设备也会发出噪声,如打开炉子时,煤气发出嘶嘶声;点燃炉子时发出动人的“卟”的声音。
- She make a lot of noise about the poor food. 她高声抱怨食物太差。
- ikuze three two one make some noise! 回答者:蓝心燕子恋关-见习魔法师二级7-1121:08
- You mustn't make a noise about it! 你们不要哭哭啼啼了!
- We will make some concession in price. 我们将在价格上做些让步。
- She made polite noises about my work. 她对我的工作情况说了些客套话。
- I have to make some copy to hand out. 我需要复印一些文件以便分发。
- This drug can make some people violently ill. 这药使用后会使一些人感到极其不舒服。
- I hope you can make some concession. 我希望你能做些让步。
- She had a headache and she made a noise about it. 她头痛,并因此而大叫大闹。