- He's so impossibly long-winded. You need to be as patient as Job to listen to him without making some excuse to leave. 他的讲话真是又长又臭。你需要有约伯一样的耐心才能听下去而不致找借口离开。
- As often as I tried to get an answer from him, he made some excuse and avoided giving me the information I wanted. 每当我想从他那里得到回答,他总是找些借口而避免给我我需要的信息。
- He's so impossibly long - winded.You need to be as patient as Job to listen to him without making some excuse to leave. 他的讲话真是又长又臭。你需要有约伯一样的耐心才能听下去而不致找借口离开。
- He's so impossibly long.- winded.You need to be as patient as Job to listen to him without making some excuse to leave. 他的讲话真是又长又臭。你需要有约伯一样的耐心才能听下去而不致找借口离开。
- Being stingy or making some excuse about not paying doesn't seem to be gentlemanly. 相反地,轮流买单不仅表明你们都很慷慨,愿意付帐,而且还凸显了两人想要平等分享事物的决心。
- We will make some concession in price. 我们将在价格上做些让步。
- I have to make some copy to hand out. 我需要复印一些文件以便分发。
- Li Mei-t'ing made some excuses and quickly introduced his three colleagues.Miss Sun had not yet come down. 李梅亭支吾着忙把同行三人介绍,孙小姐还没下来。
- This drug can make some people violently ill. 这药使用后会使一些人感到极其不舒服。
- I hope you can make some concession. 我希望你能做些让步。
- Excuse me, could I make some alterations to my cable address? 对不起,我可以更动一下我的电报地址吗?
- We were turned away with some excuse. 我们被挡驾了。
- The absentee cooked up some excuse about being ill. 那位缺席者编造了一个有病的借口。
- This fall there will be some excuse. 到今年秋天你又会有别的借口。
- I think they should make some stiles for people to cross the wall. 我认为他们应该建些梯磴好让人们跨过墙去。
- Jesse:Sarah, you always have some excuse! 洁西:莎拉,妳老是有藉口!
- If you cut the bread (ie into slices) we'll make some toast. 你要是把面包切成片,我们就烤点儿面包片。
- If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. 要是我果真是无礼的,那么,这还不够作为我无礼的理由吗?
- Darcy: If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. 如果我当真无礼,难道不也情有可原?
- He makes some unprofitable speculations. 他在做些无利可图的投机生意。