- make sb squeal 敲某人竹杠
- I was tempted to pass the buck (= make sb else responsible). 我很想把责任推给别人。
- Make sb unconscious(by striking him,with an anaesthetic,etc. 使某人失去知觉(予以打击、使用麻醉剂等)
- Make sb undergo or suffer(inconvenience,trouble,etc. 使某人遭(不便、麻烦等)
- What makes sb behave in the way he does? 某人这样做的原因是什么?
- Make sb do sth. My mother often makes me do housework. 我妈经常让我做家务活。
- Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind(= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). 有时候为了某人好你就得对他狠。
- Make sb lose Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going at intervals. 顾客有时来了又去,去了又来,因此像这样讨价还价的情形有可能持续一整天,甚至好几天。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集体或某项活动之外的。
- For this, the State Council already enjoined concerned ministries and commissions the cancer make sb the first aim of attack to this one overgrowth. 而这仅仅是全国众多名山被以别墅为代表的房地产大肆吞噬的一个缩影。为此,国务院已责成有关部委向这一疯长的毒瘤开刀。
- Does my clavicle tail end smash on sexual fracture make sb the first aim of attack how should armor plate take exercise what to eat with the attention? 我锁骨尾端粉碎性骨折开刀上了钢板应该怎么锻炼跟注意吃什么?
- A small cut is opening on the skin in this process, accordingly, not make sb the first aim of attack is impossible apparently, it is blade has volume only just. 在这个过程中是会在皮肤上开一个小切口的,因此,不开刀显然是不可能,只是刀口有大小而已。
- What can clavicular fracture affect? Is the cut that make sb the first aim of attack makes an operation big? 锁骨骨折会影响什么吗?开刀做手术的创口大吗?
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- make sb feel extreme pleasure or unease 使某人感到极度的欣喜或不安
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- [T make sb lower in rank or status;demote sb 降低某人的级别或地位;降职
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。