- So long as I breathe, I'll make revolution. 只要我活着,就要干革命。
- The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution. 中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇于革命的。
- Because when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were in power, they ruled as a clique, kicking aside Party committees to "make revolution" and throwing the Party into disorder. 林彪、“四人帮”横行时期,踢开党委闹“革命”,党被打乱了,“四人帮”实行的是帮领导、帮统治。
- Chairman Mao has said that it is necessary to make revolution,promote production and other work and ensure preparedness in the event of war. 毛主席讲,要抓革命,促生产,促工作,促战备。
- Of course,as far as the Central Committee is concerned,it solved the question of how to make revolution at the Zunyi Meeting. 当然就我们党的中央来说,如何革命的问题,遵义会议就解决了。
- To make revolution and build socialism we need large numbers of pathbreakers who dare to think,explore new ways and generate new ideas. 干革命、搞建设,都要有一批勇于思考、勇于探索、勇于创新的闯将。
- Because when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were in power,they ruled as a clique,kicking aside Party committees to "make revolution" and throwing the Party into disorder. 林彪、“四人帮”横行时期,踢开党委闹“革命”,党被打乱了,“四人帮”实行的是帮领导、帮统治。
- I am told that some comrades nowadays only dare to make revolution but not to promote production. They say that the former is safe but the latter dangerous. 听说现在有的同志只敢抓革命,不敢抓生产,说什么“抓革命保险,抓生产危险”。
- Chairman Mao said it took us more than twenty years to learn how to make revolution,during which time major mistakes were made. 毛主席说,我们过去干革命是花了二十几年的时间才学会的,并且其中犯过大错误。
- Lin Biao and the Gang of Four,as they put it,kicked aside the Party committees to "make revolution",and it is clear to all what kind of revolution they made. 林彪、“四人帮”踢开党委闹革命,闹出一场什么“革命”,大家都很清楚。
- If the warmongers are to make war, then they mustn't blame us for making revolution or engaging in "subversive activities" as they keep saying all the time. 他们要发动战争,那就别怪我们搞革命,也就是他们口口声声所说的我们搞“颠覆活动”。
- We have been making revolution for several decades and have been building socialism for more than three. 我们干革命几十年,搞社会主义三十多年
- Building up China will be,if not more difficult,at least as difficult as making revolution,with which we became very familiar. 搞建设这件事情比我们过去熟悉的搞革命那件事情来说要困难一些,至少不比搞革命容易。
- Speaking of seniority, we have been making revolution for many years, and while this record of ours does count, still we must not live on it. 说资格老,多少年革命,这个资格也是可靠的,但同时我们不要靠它。
- No one would say we were not capable of making revolution,now that we have succeeded in it. But we are not sure how well we will do at building up the country. 搞革命不能说我们没有本事,我们把革命干成功了,搞建设我们还说不上有多大的本事。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
- We are opposed to those absurd,reactionary concepts of "impoverished socialism","transition in poverty to a higher stage",and "making revolution in poverty" touted by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. 林彪、“四人帮”提倡什么穷社会主义、穷过渡、穷革命,我们反对那些荒谬反动的观点。