- She has made remarkable achievements in the field of chemistry. 她在化学领域里取得了相当的成就。
- His has made remarkable achievements in the field of biology. 他在生物学界成就卓著。
- In recent years, the CFSP building has been strengthened, and has made remarkable achievements. 近些年来,CFSP建设的力度加大,并取得了显著的进展。
- make remarkable achievements repeatedly 屡创佳绩
- Recently, some researches have made remarkable achievements by using organic electrolytes in anodic oxidization. 近来,在阳极氧化法中使用有机电解液来制备二氧化钛纳米管取得了非常显著的效果。
- Article 9 The State shall award the units or individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of agriculture. 第九条 国家对发展农业有显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。
- In recent years,the Department has also made remarkable achievements in the investigation of and the combat against the use of forged documents. 近年来,入境处更在调查及打击伪造证件等犯罪活动方面,表现出色。
- Civil aerospace technologies have made remarkable achievements in the applied satellite,carrier rocket,and manned spaceship. 民用航天在应用卫星、运载火箭技术、载人航天等方面取得长足进步。
- Civil aerospace tech-nologies have made remarkable achievements in the applied satellite, carrier rocket, and manned spaceship. 民用航天在应用卫星、运载火箭技术、载人航天等方面取得长足进步。
- You've already made remarkable achievements in your career. What tips can you pass on to others who hope to have similar success? 在你们的职业生涯里,你们取得了这么多显著的成绩,你们有什么秘诀吗?
- Civil aerospace technologies have made remarkable achievements in the applied satellite, carrier rocket, and manned spaceship. 民用航天在应用卫星、运载火箭技术、载人航天等方面取得长足进步。
- Article 9 The State shall award the units or individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of agriculture. 第九条 国家对发展农业有显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。
- In recent years, the Department has also made remarkable achievements in the investigation of and the combat against the use of forged documents. 近年来,入境处更在调查及打击伪造证件等犯罪活动方面,表现出色。
- The brand-new medical system changed the laggard traditional medical situation, made remarkable achievements and had great significance. 一个全新的医疗卫生体系,改变了传统的、落后的医疗卫生状况,取得了显著的成就,具有十分重要的进步意义。
- IPPF innovative new concept of work, through the joint efforts of the township, the people, family planning work in the township, has made remarkable achievements. 创新计生工作新理念,经过全乡人民的共同努力,全乡计划生育工作取得了令人瞩目的成绩。
- The public security departments at all levels have made remarkable achievements since the Ministry of Public Security raised the objective of setting a deadline for investigating homicide cases. 然而,由于部分公安机关和民警对“命案必破”缺乏正确的理解,致使“命案必破”在认识和实践上出现了误区。
- Though the conventional breeding has made remarkable achievements in the genetic improvement of carnation, it does not satisfy the current production demand of fine carnation varieties. 尽管传统育种技术在香石竹遗传改良方面取得了显著成就,但仍不能满足当前香石竹生产优良品种的需求。
- In recent years, the School of Architecture building and scientific research disciplines made remarkable achievements, strengths and disciplines to strengthen and improve the position. 近年来,建筑学院学科建设和科学研究取得令人瞩目的成绩,学科优势和地位得到加强和提高。
- Though China has made remarkable achievement in artificial forest creation, such forests have not substantially protected the biodiversity, because of the monotony of the kind of such forests. 加之人工林林种单一,虽然部分地区森林覆盖率较高,但生物多样性却没有得到很好的保护。
- The freshmen have made remarkable progress in their studies. 新生们在学习方面取得了显著的进步。