- I make no doubt of your succeeding. 我不怀疑你会成功。
- We make no doubt of his sincerity. 我们对他的诚意毫不怀疑。
- I made no doubt of her being extremely happy. 我毫不怀疑她快乐至极。
- She made no doubt of what he had said. 她对他所说的话毫不怀疑。
- I make no doubt of his honesty. 对他的诚实,我毫不怀疑。
- I make no doubt of your words. 我相信你的话。
- We have no doubt of his ability. 我们相信他的能力。
- I have no doubt of their being happy together. 我不怀疑他们在一起的快乐。
- She's done for; there is no doubt of that. 毫无疑问,她完了。
- There is no doubt of his competence for the task. 他的确有能力做好那项工作。
- There's a thrill init, no doubt of that. 射杀鹿无疑是激动人心的。
- I have no doubt of your ability. 我肯定你有能力。
- There is no doubt of his competencefor this task. 毫无疑问,他能担负这项任务。
- The man had genius potential, no doubt of it. 此人天资聪颖,这无庸置疑。
- He needed a woman, there was no doubt of that. 他需要有个女人,这是毫无疑义的。
- Long has there been no doubt of Heaven's mandate. 天命不??久矣。
- We have no doubt of her ability. 我们相信她的能力。
- There is no doubt of his loyalty. 他的忠诚无可置疑。
- This trespasser was the source;no doubt of that. 毫无疑问,这气味就是从这个不速之客身上传来的。
- There was no doubt of the manuscript's facticity. 手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。