- Because our country is superintended effectively in devoid market, make market of medical apparatus and instruments appeared a few undesirable phenomena. 我国由于缺乏市场中的有效监管,使得医疗器械市场出现了一些不良现象。
- Or that the subscribers are people who make sales market of cheese. 做销售市场的人?
- Where is the Market of the Electric Instruments? 电工仪器仪表的市场空间在哪里?
- Hustling and bustling market of fashion clothes. 熙来攘往的时装市场。
- The publisher adopts STP marketing strategy,and makes market segmenting according to the demanding difference of readers,then chooses the superior subdivided market as target market of the new column. 根据读者需求的差异性,运用STP营销策略进行市场细分,并选择某一最优化的细分市场作为新栏目的目标市场。
- Main market of my products is domestic market. 我的产品主要销售国内市场。
- Professional market of plastic industry. 塑料行业专业市场;
- We need to make market research before we take actions. 我们采取行动前应该做个市场调研。
- While the market of SSBR will be more potential. 其中SSBR将更加被看好。
- Our aim has always been to produce something better for the market of discriminating pen users. 其目的在为市场上有鉴赏力的消费者提供更精良的产品。
- Collect market and competitors' information, and make market survey report. 收集市场和竞争对手信息,填写市场调研报告;
- Job market information helps to make markets work better. 职业市场的情报有助于使市场更好地运转。
- Our company is in the market of the cotton cloth of your company. 我公司有意购买你公司的棉布。
- The Debt Market of Hong Kong - What can we offer to investors? 香港债务市场对投资者有何吸引之处?
- We think your offer is too high in the market of our country. 我们认为你方的报价对我国市场来说太高了。
- Usually accounted for the entire bull market of 50%. 通常占整个多头市场行情的50%25左右。
- I have my scrivener's stall in the market of the Rue de Sevres. 我在塞夫勒街市场上有个写字棚。
- Experience of sales and marketing of car industry. 在汽车行业的销售和市场方面有足够的经验。
- The Distributors also undertake to make market by offering buy sell quotes for all current benchmark issues. 分销商亦承诺就所有现有基准外汇基金债券提供买入及卖出报价。
- Sequence of marketization of Chinese economy II. 中国经济市场化的次序2。