- We should make it very clear that we are not going to concede our position on Berlin. 我们必须毫不含糊地表明,我们决不容许削弱我们在柏林的地位。
- He made no secret of his dislike for me,ie made it very clear. 他并不讳言他不喜欢我。
- He made no secret of his dislike for me, ie made it very clear. 他并不讳言他不喜欢我。
- "She made it very clear: An apartment works. No apartment, no-go," Lu said. 陆先生说:“女友的态度很明确:必须得买房子。没有房子,一切免谈。”
- Before starting discussions I want to make it very clear that I have no interest in running S/A Wuhan. 讨论之前,有件事我要明确一下,就是我对经营武汉的S/A毫无兴趣。
- He wants to make it very clear that DRM is not permitted, and you cannot implement DRM systems using GPL code. 他再三清楚表明, DRM在GPL中是严格禁止的, DRM系统的实现不能使用任何的GPL源码。
- I want to make it very clear that I'm not going to raise taxes. As Governor of Massachusetts, I made it very clear there, and I did not raise taxes. 我需要澄清的是我不会提高税负。作为马萨诸塞州州长,这一点在那里得到明确的体现,我没有提高税负。
- The supporters also made it very clear they would not accept the return of Fabio Capello, who was rumoured to be making a comeback by the Spanish media. 而球迷们同时指出,他们无法接受法比奥.;卡佩罗的回归。此前,有西班牙媒体称,后者将再次回到尤文。
- The text by John Dower makes it very clear that these images are shocking, racist, and sadistic. 该文由约翰下行使得它十分清楚地表明,这些照片令人震惊,种族主义和虐待狂。
- "We are not open to negotiations," he said. "We have made it very clear that Edin is staying with us. “我们没有进行谈判”他说:“我们已经很清楚泽科将会和我们在一起”
- And in my marriage I made it very clear with my wife, its 60 40. And with that they have the same reaction you do. They laugh. 在我的婚姻里,我跟内子讲得很清楚,是60 40他们的反应跟你们一样,他们笑。
- In fact, he made it very clear when we were discussing marriage that if I had any doubts about anything, I should not hesitate to cancel our plans. 事实上,当我们讨论结婚问题时,他已十分明确的表示,如果我对什么事还有怀疑的话,我可以毫不犹豫地把计划取消。
- Your last paragraph made it very clear to me that Benjamin's work is basically a hodgepodge from Kantian rationality through to more updated theories. 你最后一段话让它很清楚的告诉我,本雅明的工作是基本上一个大杂烩,从康德的批判理性一直到更新的理论。
- Bacon, and make it very crisp, please. 咸肉,请做得脆一些。
- And the United States has made it very, very clear that whoever the de jure sovereign of Taiwan is, it is not the United States. 而美国已经非常,非常清楚地表明,无论谁是台湾法理上的主权者,它不会是美国。
- Second, the Supreme Court made it very clear that you may use hearsay to establish probable cause in arrest and search situations. 其次,最高法院明确可以使用“间接听闻”作为事实依据并可以此依据建立起实施逮捕和搜查所需的“合理可能”。
- The Russian Government and President Putin have made it very clear that preference will be given to China when they build the Siberian oil gas pipeline. 第二,俄罗斯政府,普京总统明确提出,修建西伯利亚油气管道,首先考虑通往中国。
- Now, came a real BIG surprise.Leanna made it very clear that each colour was to be run by a different pony .... but all at the same time.Now Leanna had put down seven tracks. 这时真正的大为吃惊的事情发生了,琳娜清晰地在脑海中浮现出不同的马同时在不同的颜色跑道上飞奔的情景。
- Bevington said: "Steve made it very clear one of the first priorities was to strengthen the relationships with all the clubs, especially those with the core England players. 贝维因顿说道:“麦克拉伦非常清楚第一步要做的工作是和所有的俱乐部搞好关系,特别是拥有英格兰核心球员的俱乐部。
- But there are enough wanting to put you out of business to make it very awkward of you. 可是要你做不成生意,让你处境非常狼狈的也大有人在。