- make inroads into a country [法] 侵袭某一得国家
- The company is starting to make inroads into the lucrative soft-drinks market. 公司开始对赚钱的无酒精饮料市场做出努力。
- But we must reject all the imperialists’ attempts to make inroads into our economy. 但是我们必须拒绝帝国主义企图对我国发动的一切经济侵略。
- Foreign products have made inroads into Chinese economy. 进口产品侵害了中国经济。
- The company acquired several Chinese brands as a way to make inroads into the market quickly. 为了尽快打入市场,该公司先后收购了好几个中国眼镜品牌。
- Eastern part may divide into a country and west. 可以把一个国家分成东部和西部。
- The euro has already made inroads into the dollar's territory. 欧元已经在侵蚀美元的版图了。
- Foreign products have made inroads into the American economy. 进口产品侵害了美国经济。
- The Gansu-Qinghai Muslims have their own mosques and graveyards, separate from the Kashmiri Muslims.Christianity has always wanted to make inroads into Tibet. 蒙古人在元代时进驻,清代很多蒙古军队进来以后就地消化,成了老百姓,现在的那曲一带都是蒙古人。
- In Manhattan, the borough president, Ruth Messinger, worked hard for me, as did her young aide, Marty Rouse, who helped me make inroads into the gay community. 在曼哈顿区,区长露丝.;梅辛杰卖力地为我拉选票,她年轻的助手马蒂
- We have made inroads into our painting job;we finished the kitchen already. 我们的粉刷工作有进展了, 已经把厨房刷好了。
- Singapore's private banking professionals are, of course, well-equipped to compete and make inroads into China. A key concern, however, is to catch up by nurturing banking experts who are proficient in the Chinese language. 新加坡的私人银行业务专才当然有足够竞争条件在中国大展拳脚,然而培养银行界通晓华语的专才,却是我们必须迎头赶上的关键。
- Singapore's private banking professionals are,of course,well-equipped to compete and make inroads into China. A key concern,however,is to catch up by nurturing banking experts who are proficient in the Chinese language. 新加坡的私人银行业务专才当然有足够竞争条件在中国大展拳脚,然而培养银行界通晓华语的专才,却是我们必须迎头赶上的关键。
- If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail. 如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。
- The refiner, which controls nearly a third of South Korea's oil market, has recently stepped up its efforts to make inroads into China in order to make up for sluggish domestic sales. 为了弥补国内销售的停滞,这家控制着韩国近三分之一油料市场的炼油商,最近加快了向中国进发的步伐。
- The fall in the value of the pound has made inroads into the amount of gold held by the Bank of England. 英镑贬值严重地消耗了英格兰银行储备的黄金。
- All the more astounding, then, that sake has also made inroads into the inner sanctum of French gastronomy, mainly within the last year. 令人吃惊之馀,日本清酒已入侵法国烹调内殿;这主要是过去一年内的事。
- If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail. 如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。
- "People think they can make it into a country by hiding in a wheel well," he said. "有些人认为他们可以使它成为一个国家的躲藏在一个轮式通井机,"他说。
- Rossi, who excelled in United's Reserves but didn't quite make inroads into the Reds first team before Villarreal made their move, loved playing against his former club. 罗西当年在曼联预备队表现很好,但进入一队的机会并不多。随后他加盟了比利亚雷亚尔,很喜欢和自己的母队比赛。