- To make ineffective or invalid;nullify. 使无效使不起作用或无效;否决
- make ineffective or powerless. 低效率的或者没有能力的做。
- One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful. 无用的人或物的令人失望的无用的或不成功的人或物
- To render ineffective or impotent. 使无效或无能
- To make ineffective; invalidate. 使无效;使失效
- Take control of the situation instead of feeling overwhelmed or powerless. 控制局势,而不应被它左右或束手无策。
- Rushing tends to cause bombs to be ineffective or cause friendly casualties. 匆忙投下炸弹可能会造成无效攻击或友军伤亡。
- Too many sound effects can render your movie ineffective or meaningless. 太多的声音会使你的影片显得低俗无义。
- And then, no matter how poor or powerless the supplicant, Don Corleone would take that man's troubles to his heart. 然后,无论那个恳求者多么贫穷或软弱,堂,科利昂将会把那个人的麻烦放在他的心上。
- You are happy with Your partner and then suddenly feel insecure about the relationship or powerless to get what you need. 你和配偶相处愉悦,却突然对你们的关系感到不安全或无力争取你的需求。
- The informal nature of this step can lead to inaccuracies that, as noted above, can render the models ineffective or even counter-productive. 这一非正式步骤的本质会导致一些错误,正如上面所提到的,会导致模型效率低下或是甚至达不到预期目的。
- To make ineffective;invalidate. 使无效;使失效
- For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 你们若充充足足的有这几样,就必使你们在认识我们的主耶稣基督上不至于闲懒不结果子了。
- Some contraceptives require a doctor's prescription because they could be ineffective or dangerous if used indiscriminately. 一些避孕方法如果不分皂白地使用,因而可能是无效的或有危险的,所以需要医生的处方。
- Doctor An's notes are confident that the liquid in the two flasks you found will cure The Hunger, but that improper dosage could be either ineffective or fatal. 安医生的笔记里明确表示你找到的那两个长颈瓶里的液体能治好“饥渴”这种病,但是用量不够可能无效,用量过多则会致命。
- Process Effectiveness: It is appropriate for assessments to identify findings and make recommendations on ineffective or inefficient processes even when the process is in place and being used. 过程有效性:即使过程已经存在而且正在使用,也应该对过程作出评估,鉴别其中效率不高或效果不大之处,提出改进建议。
- make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of. 通过均衡......的效果使无效。
- To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately. 表现欠佳证明不足或不够;活动受损或不充足
- To prove deficient or lacking;perform ineffectively or inadequately. 表现欠佳证明不足或不够;活动受损或不充足
- Reporting of such matters an also provide a means of determining ineffective or inefficient activities, and initiating suitable improvement actions. 提出这些问题的报告可以为确定效果差或效率低的活动、以及采取适宜的改进措施提供一种手段。