- It forced Hitler to make immediately the last decisions of his life. 这迫使希特勒马上作了他一生中最后的一些决定。
- The selection you make immediately modifies the code to copy and paste below. 读者将可以通过邮件订阅你最新的内容。
- Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately. 这种胡乱猜测甚嚣尘上,已经到了必须立即解决的程度了。
- Freight can be halved if payment can be made immediately. 立即付款的话,运费减半。
- If there is an emergency make immediate contact with head office. 如果有紧急情况,立刻联系总部。
- As we offer you them from our large stock,we can make immediate shipment. 由于我们有大量的存货可向你提供,故可立即装船。
- As we offer you them from our large stock, we can make immediate shipment. 由于我们有大量的存货可向你提供,故可立即装船。
- Anything that requires a change to be made immediately, bypassing the change control process temporarily. 任何需要立即实施的变更,可暂时绕过变更控制过程。
- Suspicion has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately. 各种猜疑甚嚣尘上,以至必须立即做出决定。
- Margin deposits must be made immediately or your positions can be liquidated in part or whole byBNZ. 保证金必须立刻存入,否则您的头村将部分或全部被BNZ平仓。
- The shipment of the goods should be made immediately upon the receipt of a firm order. 货物应该在收到正式签字的订货单后立即发出。
- The Buyer should make immediate payment agai t the presentation of the draft i ued by the Seller. 例2:买方应凭卖方开具的即期汇票于见票时立即付款。
- Navis solutions provide immediate visibility to critical data so you can make immediate, smarter decisions. Navis解决方案使关键数据直观可视,您可以快速做出明智的决策。
- If the data indicates that you must make immediate adjustments, reconfigure the SCL thresholds. 如果数据显示您必须立即进行调整,则请重新配置SCL阈值。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- We are in great need of the goods and we should be glad if you would follow up with the shipping company and make immediate inquiries into the cause. 由于这些货物是供应一个特别紧急的订单,如果你方能将此事向船运公司交涉,立即查询事由,我们将十分高兴。
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。