- It is a shame to make game of him like that. 那样捉弄他太不像话了。
- We should not make game of his stammer. 我们不应该笑他口吃。
- We should not make game of the weak. 我们不应该取笑弱者。
- The older children teased and made game of the newcomer. 比较年长的孩子嘲笑并奚落新来的人
- make game of someone 参照 game
- The Sunbeam only made game of you. 阳光骗了你呀!
- The older children teased and made game of the newcomers. 比较年长的孩子嘲笑并戏弄新来的人。
- Few people ever noticed him,and those that did tended to make game of him. 很少有人理睬他,而凡是理睬他的都倾向于恶意地捉弄他。
- Few people ever noticed him, and those that did tended to make game of him. 很少有人理睬他,而凡是理睬他的都倾向于恶意地捉弄他。
- Nana understood that they would most likely make game of her, and so said nothing more. 娜娜心里明白她们很可能会戏弄她的,于是就没有再说什么。
- Tease To annoy or make fun of someone persistently. 戏弄:持续地打搅或取笑某人。
- Don't make fun of someone's physical handicap. 别取笑人家生理上的缺陷。
- I'm completely buggered after that game of tennis. 这场网球可把我累垮了。
- He won the game of golf last month. 他上个月赢得了高尔夫球比赛的冠军。
- Forget yourself and think of someone else for a change. 别光想著你自己,你也为别人想一次。
- Because he had a slight lips in his speech, the other boys in the class made game of him. 因为他讲话口齿有点不清, 班上其余的孩子们取笑他。
- If it's a game of skill, you'll do me down. 要是比技巧,你将胜过我。
- Baseball is the national game of the USA. 棒球是美国全民喜爱的运动。
- I take care of someone who has passed out. 照顾一个醉倒的人。
- Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality. 异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。