- The pilot was trying to make contact with his base. 飞行员正试图与基地联系。
- The pilot is trying to make contact with his base. 飞行员正试图与基地联系。
- Many scientists want to make contact with spacemen. 许多科学家想要和航天员接触。
- They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了。
- The Emperor commands you make contact with him. 皇上命令你和他连系
- I finally made contact with her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。
- We made contact with the ship by radio. 我们通过无线电同那只船保持联系。
- How could I make contact with Professor Brown? 如何才能与布朗教授取得联系呢?
- I need to make contact with my boss before I leave. 走之前我得跟老板打个招呼。
- I tried all day But couldn't make contact with him. "我试了一整天,但是仍无法联络到他。"
- The pilot made contact with the ship. 飞机员用目力观察着这艘船
- I was instructed to make contact with maximum alacrity. 我被命令越快和你们取得联系越好.
- We'd like to make contact with other schools in the area. 我们希望与本地区的其他学校保持联系。
- The insurance salesman tried to make contact with wealthy people. 经营保险业的人千方百计地与富人接触。
- My job was to make contacts with local people. 我的工作是和当地群众联系。
- He makes contact with wealthy people in raising money for the project. 为该项工程筹款他与许多有钱人拉关系。
- When did you first make contact with the ambassador? 你第一次与大使联系是什么时候?
- Engage: To make contact blade-to-blade. 交叉接触:剑身对剑身的接触。
- He finally made contact with her in New York. 他终于在纽约与她会晤了。
- To fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, or otherwise make contact with. 未击中、未达到、未赶上、未遇到或未接触到