- The rebel factions made common cause (with each other) to overthrow the regime. 各造反派(彼此)联合起来共同推翻政府。
- I do not often agree with you, but I will make common cause with you over the matter of drainage. 我并不常与你的意见一致,可是在排水这件事上我愿同你合作。
- I do not often agree with you,but I will make common cause with you over the matter of drainage. 我并不常与你的意见一致,可是在排水这件事上我愿同你合作。
- And a voice came to him again a second time: The things that God has cleansed, do not make common. 第二次又有声音向他说,神所洁净的,你不可当作俗物。
- He made common cause with the citizens in attacking the mayor. 他和市民共同攻击市长。
- Only when the opportunity came to fight a powerful common foe did the feudal lords sink their petty disputes and make common cause. 只有在打击共同的强大敌人时,封建君主们才放弃相互间的小争端,联合作战。
- The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime. 各造反派联合起来共同推翻政府.
- After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China's resurgence. 中国实现统一后,两岸可互补互助,共同发展经济,振兴中华。
- It might be a wise solution to reduce the salaries of all the workers to encourage them to make common efforts to overcome the temporary difficulties. 也许比较聪明办法是将所有工人的工资降低,鼓励大家共同努力,一致克服暂时的困难。
- "Now, I'd like to meet this gardener," he said to himself. "It takes special imagination to make common land look this beautiful. “嗯,我得会会这位园丁了,”他自言自语道,“这得要有非凡的想象力才能把平平常常的一块地搞得这么美。”
- At last, however, the papal sovereigns had stifled their feuds, that they might make common cause against the Reformers. 但这几个信奉罗马教的君王终于抑制了他们阋墙之争,以便组成联合阵线去对付改革运动。
- The ways to make public, they"ve been able to make common workpublic regularly and phasic work gradually and temporary work momentarily. 在质量上确保信息内容的全面性、准确性、权威性和时效性;
- When asked how to avoid making common errors as the result of forgetting. 当问到怎样避免因遗忘而造成的错误时。
- ECLECTICISM: Nor can we find any willingness to make common cause with false religiosity as long as Christianity is accepted as one among many legitimate viewpoints. 折衷主义:我们更没有看到当时的基督徒有任何的意思要与假宗教谋求共同事业,或只是要求基督教被世人接纳为众多合情合理的观点中的一种就行了。
- The rebel factions made common cause(with each other)to overthrow the regime. 各造反派(彼此)联合起来共同推翻政府.
- Consequently, lanzhou brushs shoe line of business emerge as the times require, of meantime vie with competition, make common people substantial one time indeed. 从外面逛一圈,进门时就要拭擦“蒙羞”的鞋子。因而,兰州擦鞋业应运而生,其间的攀比与竞争,着实让老百姓实惠了一番。“箱箱队”是擦鞋业之初的“游击队”,“队员”一般由进城村妇组成。
- The rebel factions made common cause(with each other) to overthrow the regine. 各种造反派联合起来共同推翻政府。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。