- And I would qualify my prospects and I would call and make appointments. 我会寻找符合要求的潜在客户并打电话预约。
- Making appointments How about tomorrow morning? 明天上午怎么样?
- Making appointments and meeting with clients. 负责约见和会见客户和餐厅。
- Girls need to buy dresses, shoes, and make appointments for their hair, nails, and makeup . 而女孩儿们要买舞裙,舞鞋,还要预约去做头发,修指甲,化妆。
- Steven: We also have to make appointments to interview baby-sitters. And when will we make dinner and do the dishes? 史蒂文:我们还得约保姆来见见。再说,如果去了,什么时候做饭洗碗呢?
- By using the booking service, members of the public can save time by avoiding queuing at Immigration branch offices to make appointments. 利用预约服务,市民可省却在入境事务处分区办事处排队轮候预约办理申请的时间。
- By using the online booking service, members of the public will avoid the need to queue at Immigration Branch Offices to make appointments. 透过网上预约服务,市民可省却在入境事务办事处排队轮候预约办理申请的时间。
- Organize and maintain diaries and making appointments. 安排客户来访(拜访)。
- In light of Buckley v. Valeo, Congress cannot make appointments to the agencies itself. It can, however, set qualifications for various offices. 根据“巴克利诉瓦里奥”案,国会不得任命机关本身,但可以规定各类公职的种种限制条件。
- Applicants will also be able to use faxes and the Internet to make appointments, which will greatly enhance flexibility and convenience. 申请人还可以使用传真、因特网来预约面谈,这将使预约变得很灵活很方便。
- Simon: I've just receive this bundle of inquiries. They're all from or near London. I'll go these on Thursday and Friday. Send them catalogs and make appointments for me, ok? 我刚收到一堆询价单。它们都是从伦敦城或伦敦附近来的。我星期四和星期五要去那里。你能给他们寄去价目表并为我做好预约吗?
- Enabling truckers to make appointments though WebAccess gives the terminal advanced visibility into gate handling equipment and yard planning requirements. WebAccess允许货车司机进行预约,为码头的出入口管理设备和堆场规划要求提供了更高的可见性。
- Please make appointment with counter staff for using this database. 请向柜台职员查询及安排使用此资料库。
- Members of the public can make appointments to see volunteer lawyers through one of the 120 referral agencies,which include all District Offices,Caritas Services Centres and the Social Welfare Department. 市民无须通过经济审查,即可使用这项服务。市民可透过该计划的转介机构约见义务律师。转介机构共有120个,包括各区民政事务处、明爱服务中心和社会福利署。
- The President shall ensure the independence of the judiciary and shall make appointments with the assisstance of the Higher Judicial Council. The Supreme Court elected by the National Assembly. 国家元首负责保证司法的独立和任命法官。最高法院和上诉法院组成。高等法院成员由国民议会选举产生。
- What date and time do you prefer to make appointment with BOI's representative? 您方便跟泰国投资署人员洽谈的日期跟时间?
- HR professionals will always participate in the final decision making process in making appointments. 在招聘工作的最后决策阶段,人力资源部门需全程参与;
- Members of the public can make appointments to see volunteer lawyers through one of the 120 referral agencies, which include all District Offices, Caritas Services Centres and the Social Welfare Department. 市民无须通过经济审查,即可使用这项服务。市民可透过该计划的转介机构约见义务律师。转介机构共有120个,包括各区民政事务处、明爱服务中心和社会福利署。
- Now that you know what to say when making appointments, be careful not to [b]overbook[/b]! 现在你既然已经知道该怎麽预约了,就要小心别把时间表排得太满喔!
- In fact, making appointments is a very -important common practice in social courtesies. 事实上,约会是社会礼仪中一个重要的习俗。