- Because she was lacking in training, she was afraid of making an exhibition of herself. 她因缺乏训练,很担心会出洋相。
- People at the party are embarrassed when Frank get drunk and make an exhibition of himself. 弗兰克喝醉了,出尽洋相,使参加聚会的人很难为情。
- Stop making an exhibition of yourself and control your temper. 不要出洋相了,别发脾气。
- People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself. 弗兰克喝醉了,出尽洋相,使参加聚会的人很难为情。
- My lord is all day making an exhibition of his manly strength. 我的男主人公整天显示着他男子汉的力气。
- make an exhibition of herselfvi. 出洋相(丢脸;当众出丑)
- He made an exhibition of himself through his intoxication. 他醉酒后洋相百出。
- Occasionally the gallery space makes an exhibition of itself. 偶尔,画廊的空间被拿来当众出丑。
- Because she is lacking in training,she is afraid of making an exhibition of herself 她因缺乏训练,很担心会出洋相
- Because she is lacking in training, she is afraid of making an exhibition of herself 她因缺乏训练,很担心会出洋相
- People at the party is embarrass when frank get drink and make an exhibition of himself. 弗兰克喝醉了, 出尽洋相, 使参加聚会的人很难为情。
- Quentin: Well, I thought it was funny but why do you always have to make an exhibition of yourself ? 昆汀:唔,我觉得很有趣,但你为什麽老要做些丢人现眼的事?
- She had made an utter fool of herself. 她的所作所为十足就是个傻子。
- made an exhibition of herselfv. 出洋相(丢脸;当众出丑)
- Stop making me cry in the street; I hate making an exhibition of myself. 别弄得我在街上哭, 我讨厌当众出丑。
- An exhibition of wax figures in a museum. 蜡像展蜡像馆中的蜡像展览
- My husband got drunk at the wedding and made an exhibition of himself by proposing to the vicar's wife. 我丈夫在婚礼上喝醉了酒,竟向教区牧师的妻子求婚,出尽了洋相。
- We went to an exhibition of Chinese paintings at the museum. 我们去博物馆参观中国画展。
- She jawed him for making an exhibition of himself, scolding as though he were a ten-year-old. 她连声怪他这样大出洋相,拿他当十岁的孩子似的数落。
- In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art. 他们下午去参观了现代艺术展。