- His invention made a stir in scientific circles. 他的发明在科学界引起了轰动。
- The news made a tremendous stir in the village. 这消息哄动了全村。
- He made a big reshuffle with Chinese national team after taking over not long ago,causing a stir in badminton circles inside and outside and outside China. 他接任主教练后不久,对国家队作了一次大的人员调整,这在国内外羽毛球界引起了很大反响。
- Excavated in a tomb of the Majiayao-relic type, this colored pottery basin made a stir in the archaeology circle. 这件轰动一时的彩陶盆,出土于一座马家窑类型的墓葬中。
- As the chief singer of the evening party, his appearance made a stir in the audience. 作为晚会的主唱,他的出现轰动全场。
- He made a big reshuffle with Chinese national team after taking over not long ago,causing a stir in badminton circles inside and outside China. 他接任主教练后不久,对国家队作了一次大的人员调整,这在国内外羽毛球界引起了很大反响。
- He made a big reshuffle with Chinese national team after taking over not long ago, causing a stir in badminton circles inside and outside China. 他接任主教练后不久,对国家队作了一次大的人员调整,这在国内外羽毛球界引起了很大反响。
- Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough. 把牛奶搅进去,和成软而不黏的面团。
- His announcement of retirement made a stir. 他宣布退休引起骚动。
- Her new novel makes a stir throughout the country. 她的新小说在全国引起轰动。
- This is the flim which made a stir at that time. 这就是那部轰动一时的电影。
- The pop star's visit made a big stir in the village. 流行歌星的访问在村里引起了轰动。
- Stir in 180 grams of rye flour to make a thick, porridge like mixture. 加入180克黑麦粉搅拌成像麦片粥一样浓绸的面糊。
- Slowly stir in the cold water to make a dough and knead until smooth. 放到工作台上,撒些干面粉,反复揉搓直到面团光滑。
- How can people make a living in this arid area? 这片不毛之地上的人们怎么谋生呢?
- I have every confidence in that this piece of news will make a stir among the public. 我很有信心,这条消息将引起轰动。
- Make a nick in the cloth with the scissors. 用剪子在布料上剪个缺口。
- How do people make a living in the steppe? 生活在没有树木的大草原上的人们怎样谋生呢?
- He's make a good score in track and field event. 他正在田径赛中取得好成绩。
- The hospital bill make a big hole in his savings. 医疗费已用掉了他一大笔存款。