- This is a good phrase to use when someone just won't make a decision about something. 这是一个人对某件事不会做出决定时使用的经典口语要素。
- Don't make a fuss about such trifles. 不要为区区小事而大惊小怪。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- It would be nice to be able to spend the whole day, standing outside in the sun, making a nuisance of yourself by hectoring people about something you passionately believe in. 我再重申一遍:只要法律允许,他们在任何地方,即使在我的工作场所外抗议,我都没意见。用整天的时间站在太阳下,滋扰他人以将自己的意志强加于他人,这想必是一件很惬意的事情。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- I believe that he can make a judicious choice. 我相信他能作出明智的选择。
- Kataoka himself cut the jungle by sword and made a route. 片冈师团长亲自用刀开路。
- She made a crack about his fatness. 她取笑他肥胖。
- May I prevail on you to make a speech after dinner. 可以请你在用餐後讲几句话吗。
- She made a lot of noise about the poor food. 她高声抱怨食物太差。
- I made a detailed inquiry about the facts. 我追问事实真相。
- It is imperative that we make a quick decision. 我们要尽快做出决定。
- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- You are making a great commotion about nothing. 你简直是在无理取闹。