- It makes a kind of a roar or a rumbling sound. It's very loud. 它发出一种隆隆声或是轰轰声。非常刺耳。
- This kind of bedstead, make a bed OK also breathe. 这种床架,让床也可以呼吸。
- Our goal is to spare no effort to make a kind of intelligent television. 我们的目标是全力打造智能型电视机。
- The Egyptians first used papyrus around the year 3000 B.C. to make a kind of paper. 埃及人首先在西元前3000年左右使用纸莎草制造的一种纸。
- We make a kind of milk product having functional effect on human being s with Zingiber Officinale Rosc and chromium. 利用多因素多水平正交实验确定姜汁凝乳的最佳条件,并确定了该制品的基本配方。
- Welcome every large-scale enterprise, group, star hotel to make a kind of processing, sellin batches. 欢迎各大型企业、团体、星级酒店定样加工、批发。
- The conception of the person that repass is created, design, stickup make a kind of new model, gift its new life. 再经过创作者的构思、设计、粘贴制作成一种新的造型,赋予它新的生命。
- The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. 罗马皇帝尼禄可能做过一种冰激凌,
- The fermented liquid of Pleurotus nebrodensis and orange juice were used to make a kind of beverage,which was nutrient. 以白灵侧耳液体发酵液和桔汁为主要原料,生产富含营养的健康菌体发酵饮料。
- As time passes, formed a kind of ethos between adolescent, make a kind of trend even. 久而久之,就形成了青少年之间的一种风气,甚至成为一种潮流。
- The modified fly-ash was mixed with slaked lime and adhesive to make a kind of nitric oxides adsorbent. 先用正交试验法筛选适当的改性条件,再将改性后的粉煤灰与熟石灰、黏合剂等材料混合制作成为复合型氮氧化物吸附剂。
- It takes all kinds of people to make a world. 构成世界需要各种各样的人(世界上什么样的人都有)。
- A lot of moment, this kind explicit " attitude " make a kind of mark that limits person share even. 很多时候,这种外在的“姿态”甚至成为界定人身份的一种标志。
- Understatement is a kind of way of presenting one's own merits.It is not to make a self-important, arrogant and exaggerating impression upon others. 低调陈述是一种表达自己的优势的有效方法,避免给人一种自吹自擂,口气傲慢而夸张的影响;
- Higgins, as a kind of experiment, tries to make a lady out of an uneducated girl called Eliza Doolittle, who sells flowers in the street. 作为一种试验,希金斯想把一个未受过教育、在街头卖花的姑娘莱扎培养成为一个淑女。
- For instance red sandalwood is a kind of very rare wood in annatto standard, natural resources is very scarce, take impossibly make a floor board. 比如紫檀在红木标准里是非常名贵的一种木材,资源非常稀少,不可能拿来做地板。
- I got my things out of the canoe and made a kind of tent with the blankets. 我从独木舟上搬下所有的东西,并用毯子搭成一顶帐棚。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- The blacktop of street face is spread recently, smooth, clean, make a person produce a kind of sky to fall instead however feeling, a kind light empty. 街面的柏油路是新近铺成的,光滑、洁净,却反而令人产生一种空落感,一种淡淡的空虚。
- Accordingly, electronic commerce industry together hypostatic and professional market will make a kind of trend increasingly. 因此,电子商务企业联手实体专业市场将日益成为一种趋势。