- All major United States airlines serve SJC. 美国大多数的主要航空公司都服务于SJC。
- Beyond the Sainted Seven, we have our other major unit, insurance, which I believe also has a usiness value well above the net assets employed in it. 除了这七个圣徒之外,我们还有一项主要的事业-保险,同样地我也认为它的价值远高于其帐列的资产
- Ridge's battalion was the last major unit to descend the pass, following behind Jones' provisional battalion of soldiers and the detachment of the 185th Engineers. 里杰的陆战营跟随在琼斯少校的陆军暂编营和第185工兵营分队身后,是从黄草岭山口上撤退下来的最后一支主力部队。
- Apart from his corps headquarters staff, Steiner only brought with him one major unit, the 11th Nordland Panzergrenadier Division, to relieve the pressure on the remnants of the Polizei Division. ,没有带来他的军部参谋,施泰纳尔只带来了一个主力单位,第11“诺德兰”装甲掷弹兵师,来分担“警察”师的压力。
- Type, size, capacity, weight, pressure, temperature, years of construction of major units. 机器安装项目:制造商名称,设备数量,型号,大小,功率,重量,压力,温度,制造年份。
- Last month Margaret Chan of Hong Kong became the first Chinese to head a major United Nations agency, the World Health Organization. 上月香港陈太当选为第一位担任联合国主要下属机构-世界卫生组织领导人的中国人。
- Many employees of major United States corporations are fearful that they will lose their jobs in the near future, but this fear is largely unfounded. 美国各大公司里的许多雇员担心,他们会在不远的将来失去工作。但这一担心是没有根据的。
- In the war she saw action only once, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, due to the Japanese Navy's strategy of keeping major units in reserve for a decisive battle. 在第二次世界大战中仅能看到它有一次出击行动;就是莱特湾海战.;在太平洋战争后,长门号战舰是日本唯一幸存的并可移动的战舰
- Euramerican company's biggest difference depends on, they exit the amount far outclass that company of major United States invests acquires capital specified amount. 欧美公司最大的差异在于,大部分美国公司投资的金额远远高于他们退出所获得的资金额。
- With a 4.9% annualized growth rate in real GDP (3Q 2007) and a 10% population increase in the past five years, San Antonio is outpacing the growth of other major United States cities. 伴随高达4.;9%25的全年实际GDP增长率以及过去五年10%25的人口增长率,圣安东尼奥港的发展速度已经超过美国其他主要城市。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- One resolution was approved - a declaration calling for concerted global action on climate change ahead of a major United Nations conference on the subject scheduled for December in Copenhagen. 会议通过了一项关于气候变化方面全球合作的决议,为联合国十一月份即将在哥本哈根召开的会议做准备
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- Local fighting might spark off a major war. 局部战斗有可能引发一场大规模战争。
- Narcotics are a major threat to health. 毒品是危害健康的大敌。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- Even a limited confrontation can escalate into a major war. 即使是局部的对抗也可能扩大成一场大战。
- There were four major quakes in this century. 本世纪有四次大的地震。
- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。