- Specializing in Brake Disc, Brake Shoes, Brake Pad, Cylinder liner and Major Engine Overhaul etc 主营汽车刹车碟,刹车鼓,刹车蹄片,缸套组件,发动机大修箱
- major engine overhaul 发动机总检修
- Engine Overhaul: What Brings in the Work? 发动机的维修发生了什么变化?
- Complete engine overhaul reports, record parts usage and determine total component and engine rebuild cost. 完成发动机大修报告,记录零件使用情况并核算零件和发动机大修成本。
- I must have the car's engine overhauled. 我一定要他们彻底检查我的汽车引擎。
- Major engine parts can warp causing oil and water leaks and the oil will boil and become useless. 发动机的主要部件变形从而导致漏水漏油,机油也会沸腾从而失效。
- Application of Laser Welding in the Engine Overhaul 激光焊接在发动机翻修中的应用
- diesel engine overhaul equipment manufacturing 柴油机检修设备
- Every subsystem of the ILC will push the technological envelope and present major engineering challenges. ILC的每个子系统都将推到技术上的极限,并且面临工程上的艰钜挑战。
- The Observatory provides advice to other government departments on meteorological aspects of major engineering development projects. 在政府的大工程发展计划中,天文台会向有关的部门提供气象方面的意见。
- Ameco Signed Engine Overhaul Agreement with Xiamen Airlines Ameco与厦航签署发动机大修总协议
- The technical section includes intruduction of this port, major engineering design projects, construction quality reqirements, and safety &security systems. 技术部分包括港口的基本介绍,主要分项工程设计,施工质量、安全保障体系。
- 3 years engine overhaul shop or engine line maintenance experience; 三年以上发动机大修工作或航线维护工作经验;
- I recently visited a major engineering and construction company that lost a number of great recent college grads because the interviewers were superficial and “chatty”. 在给一些中国的大型企业做海外招聘咨询的过程中,我们发现很多企业对海外招聘的准备都非常不充分。
- The major engineering geological problems of US dam site of Laokou Complex include relatively soft base rock lithology,low shear strength and bearing capacity. 老口枢纽工程上坝址主要的工程地质问题为坝址基岩岩性较软,抗剪强度、承载力偏低。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- The major engineering geology problems cover regional tectonic stability, high crustal stress of the dam area, stability of high steep rock slope, and stability of powerhouse cavern. 拉西瓦水电站主要工程地质问题包括区域构造稳定性、坝区高地应力场、高陡岩质边坡稳定性、厂房洞群围岩稳定性等。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- The whole machine clearing in engineering overhauls is still a technical problem. 工程机械大修时的整机清洗是国内尚未解决的技术难题。
- This mode provides effective scientific basis for the overall planning of the petroleum industry,major engineering projection and rational allocation of agriculture of the Tarim Basin. 该模式为塔里木油田石油工业总体规划和大型工程设计及农业合理布局等提供了有效的科学依据。