- What are your major and minor subjects? 你主修和副修什么科目?
- He pursued ardently all the major and minor pleasures of life. 他热烈追求生活中所有大大小小的乐趣。
- We must have a clear understanding of both major and minor principles. 大道理与小道理必须弄清楚。
- major and minor study 本末之学
- These are the major and minor premises on which the conclusion is based. 这是这个结论所依据的前提。
- Both major and minor nonconformities will be followed up by the assessor. 注:审核员应该跟踪严重不合格和一般不合格项的关闭。
- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。
- The proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism. 结论三段论中必须从主前题和次前题得出的结论
- English is his major and history is his minor. 他主修英文,副修历史。
- Among all young people males were more likely to suffer major and minor accidents than females. 在全体年轻人当中,男子较女子更容易发生或大或小的事故。
- Any of certain fixed arrangements of the diatonic tones of an octave, as the major and minor scales of Western music. 调式任何特定的一种八度音音程的固定组合,作为西方音乐的主音阶和次音阶
- There are major and minor principles in everything,and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. 事情有大道理,有小道理,一切小道理都归大道理管着。
- Describe the difference between majority and minority carries. 关于大多数的差异请说明。那样的话,少数被引导。
- To track both major and minor versions, click Create major and minor (draft) versions. 要同时跟踪主要版本和次要版本,请单击“创建主要版本和次要(草稿)版本”。
- Report the number of major and minor defects found and corrected and the actual rework effort to the moderator. 向评审负责人报告发现和修改的严重缺陷数和轻微缺陷数及实际的返工工作量。
- This applies to the combination of the major and minor components of the version number. 这同样适用于主版本号和次版本号的组合。
- The major and minor version numbers of an assembly are carried forward to the type library. 程序集的主版本号和次版本号将传递到类型库中。
- When you track major and minor versions, the major versions are whole numbers, and the minor versions are decimals. 如果同时跟踪主要版本和次要版本,则主要版本是整数,而次要版本是小数。
- There are major and minor principles in everything, and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. 事情有大道理, 有小道理, 一切小道理都归大道理管着。
- They permeate all major and minor problems on both sides and all stages of the war, and they are not matters of no consequence. 是贯彻于双方一切大小问题和一切作战阶段之中的,不是可有可无的。