- The variation in accident rates by age was much smaller for females with the major accident rate peaking in the early teens and falling thereafter. 对女性而言,事故率随年龄变化不大。主要事故率在少年早期达到高峰,然后开始逐渐下降。
- So it will give a new technical support to major accident analysis,accident report and safety training. 该系统可为煤矿重大事故分析、事故汇报、安全培训等提供新的技术支持。
- The emergency planning of major accident is the key work to ensure the fast and efficient rescue. 重大事故应急预案是保证企业应急救援工作快速、高效地开展的关键。
- The major accident rate for males fell slightly from preschool into early school years,and then rose rapidly to a plateau lasting from early teens into the twenties. 男子的主要事故率由学龄前到入学的前几年开始有所下降,然后骤然上升,居高不下从10岁出头一直持续到20多岁。
- Unclosed process flow will result in oil and gas loss and other hazard, even result in major accident and bodily injury. 流程一旦非密闭运行,势必会造成油气损耗及其他危害,严重时会造成重大事故并造成人身伤害。
- The major accident rate for males fell slightly from preschool into early school years, and then rose rapidly to a plateau lasting from early teens into the twenties. 男 子 的 主 要 事 故 率 由 学 龄 前 到 入 学 的 前 几 年 开 始 有 所 下 降 , 然 后 骤 然 上 升 , 居 高 不 下 从 10岁 出 头 一 直 持 续 到 20多 岁 。
- The definitions of major accident and major hazard installations are expounded,and the necessity of effective controlling of major hazard installations is discussed in this paper. 阐述了重大事故、重大危险源的定义,论述了有效控制重大危险源的必要性,并介绍了重大危险源控制系统的组成。
- Against a major accident factor-human factors, the paper analyses human factors and expatiates the behavior of the driver, proposes some countermeasure to control human factors. 针对影响事故发生的主要因素-人为因素,进行了分析,阐述了驾驶员的行为特性,提出了对控制人为因素的对策。
- On scrambling Criminal Major Accident 解读重大责任事故罪
- crime of major accident due to negligence of duty 重大责任事故罪
- Major Medical plan won't cover routine health care needs but it gives you protection from major accidents and illnesses. 有重大的医疗事故计划将不包括例行的卫生保健需要,但它使你免受重大事故和疾病。
- Major Accident Response Exercise 重大事故反应演习
- During the production of chloroethylene,reactive condition must be controlled strictly because the material can easily lead to major accidents such as fire,explosion and so on. 电石法制氯乙烯生产装置涉及到乙炔、氯化氢、氯乙烯等众多的易燃、易爆、有毒物质,反应条件苛刻,系统一旦失控,极易发生火灾、爆炸、中毒等重大事故。
- The procedures and event plans shall cover rapid cessation of construction activities due to major accidents at the nearby oil terminals and LPG facilities. 程序及事件计划须涵盖因邻近油库及石油气设施发生严重事故而引致建造作业立刻停工。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- Local fighting might spark off a major war. 局部战斗有可能引发一场大规模战争。
- Narcotics are a major threat to health. 毒品是危害健康的大敌。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。