- maize yield simulation 产量模拟
- And Under the same irrigation water use, AFI can not decrease maize yield. 在同等灌水量水平下 ,采用交替隔沟灌溉不降低玉米产量 ;
- The difference increase gradually after 1999, and the declined trend of maize yield is NPK, NP, N, CK. 1999年以后各处理之间差异逐渐增大,产量由高到低依次为NPK,NP,N,CK。
- For example, note the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on irrigated maize yield in Fig.1. 比如,请注意图1中氮(N)和磷(P)对灌溉玉米产量的影响。
- The phosphorus fertilizer and farmyard manure had the best effects on maize yield in Drab Fluvo-aquic soil. 相关分析表明,在褐潮土上增施磷肥和有机肥对提高玉米产量具有重要的作用。
- Progress in studies on maize yield QTL and the genetic theoretical basis of heterosis by using molecular markers are reviewed. 综述了分子标记在玉米产量QTL和杂种优势遗传基础方面的概况。
- Taking Jiyou No.1 as experimental material, the effects of 8 different sowing-date and 4 harvest-time on maize yield were conducted. 摘要以吉油1号玉米为试材,研究8个不同播期和4个不同收获期对玉米产量的影响。
- Long-term fertilization could increase the P supply amount by SMB-P, there was a significant correlation between P supplying amount by SMB-P with maize yield and P uptake. 玉米生长季内土壤微生物量磷的动态变化呈先上升后下降的趋势,其含量最大值出现在玉米生长中后期;
- Most of the soil in southwest of our country is red soil, the leanness and the phosphorite deficiency act as the key non-biotic stress to confine the maize yield improvement. 在我国西南玉米生态区多数红壤,土壤贫瘠,有效磷严重缺乏,更是限制玉米产量的重要非生物胁迫因素。
- After combining research results of defects model, negative binomial randomnumber generation, CIF layout decoding, fault-recognition and Monte Carlofunctional yield simulation methodology, a functional yield simulation system isdeveloped. 成功的开发了Monte Carlo功能成品率仿真系统。 该系统综合了本文在制造缺陷模型、负二项分布随机数发生、CIF版图解码、缺陷故障识别以及MC成品率仿真策略等方面的研究结果,用超过8000行C++语言编程实现了图形界面交互式功能成品率仿真。
- Through the synthesis analysis of the field,spike characters and leaves nutrient content of N,P and K in maize,the treatment of N2K2 was the best and its maize yield was at 11 183.3 kg/hm2 while soil P content was at 35.3 mg/kg. 综合玉米产量、穗部性状、叶片以及土壤氮磷钾养分含量分析;在土壤含磷量为35.;3 mg/kg时;以N2K2配施效果最好;玉米产量高达11 183
- The maize yields of various treatments and factors are given in Table 5 and Table 6. 表5和表6给出各处理的玉米产量和产量因子。
- Wheat, maize yields highest ranked province, apple for the Beijing market, the province's first cattle. 小麦、玉米单产名列全省前茅,苹果专供北京市场,养牛全省第一。
- We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。
- Effect of Different Harvest Methods on Maize Yield 玉米不同收获方式对产量的影响
- Effects of Cover with Wheat Straw on Maize Yield 小麦秸秆覆土对玉米产量的影响
- Super Yield Simulation and Individual Selection in Soybean 大豆超高产模拟分析与单株选择
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Maize Yield 植物生长调节剂在玉米上的增产效果试验初报
- Maize is widely planted in the America. 玉米在美洲广泛种植。
- Then, By considering the temperature signal as the input, a simulation model for the IR starring imaging system is built, which yields simulated images of patterns of different sizes and contrasts. 然后,通过基于温度级输入信号的凝视型红外成像系统效应仿真模型,输出高置信度的靶标效应仿真图像;