- The main role of mew govenment is to reduce the level of inflation. 新政府的主要任务是减低通货膨胀的水平.
- main role of innovation 创新主体
- The main role of the National Judges is to judge the performance of the competitors on routes and boulders respectively. 国家(地区)裁判员的主要任务是判断选手在路线和抱石路线的表现。
- Either this can be done alone or in a group.The main role of a BST is to tame monsters, and have them fight for him/her. 宣武医院消化内科副主任医师曹涛说,经过炎夏的消耗,入秋后,人体的消化功能逐渐下降,肠道抗病能力也减弱,稍有不慎,就可能发生腹泻。
- Traditionally, the main role of Customs is the collection of import and excise duties and the prevention of smuggling and trafficking in drugs. 海关传统的主要角色,是征收入口税及消费税,以及防止走私和贩毒。
- However, the main role of the Business Service Directory is providing details of services that are available for performing business functions supported by the infrastructure. 然而,业务服务目录的主要任务是提供服务细节,这些服务细节可用于执行基础架构所支持的业务功能。
- What is the main demand of innovation? 创新的基本要求是什么?
- The main role of the pinhole is used to suture penetration, so that the pinhole in the suture can move back and forth and the completion of the course into a seam. 在更换机针的尺寸时,不必要每次调整梭钩,所以在**的顶部磨制一个弧形凹点。凹痕的半径和所用的砂轮相同(现在砂轮磨削已被模压替代)。
- A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon. 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
- After Milosevic's withdrawal from Kosovo in 1999, the main role of the UN and NATO forces in the province was to protect the Serb minority and Serb religious sites. 1999年米洛舍维奇从科索沃撤军以后,这个省的联合国和北约军事力量的主要角色是保护处于少数地位的塞族人和塞族宗教场所。
- Mei Lanfang, as the main role of the four famous masters Nandan, he carved out the new way of opera art and spread the opera to abroad.He had done great contribution to opera art. 梅兰芳作为四大名旦的主帅,承上启下,继往开来,勇于革新,善于创造,以他不懈的努力拼搏进取,不仅开辟了京剧艺术的新天地,而且把它传播到海外,为京剧艺术的继承、革新、发展作出了里程碑式的伟大贡献。
- Am I really fitted for the role of director? 我真能胜任董事一职吗?
- the Main Part of Innovation / the Principal Role of Innovation 创新链
- He was cast as Othello/cast in the role of Othello. 选派他扮演奥赛罗的角色。
- He's a natural for the role of Lear. 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选。
- This shows that the earnings ratio is unstable, and the factors that lead to instability in the main role of taxation and inflation, changes in economy and equity risk premium and other aspects. 由此可见,市盈率也是不稳定的,而导致其不稳定的因素主要有税收和通货膨胀的作用、经济构成的变化和股权风险溢价等几个方面。
- Or, town of innovation, planning and panache? 还是一座具有创新气概、精心规划和流光溢彩的名城?
- Swank in the main role of Earhart, and co-star Christopher Ecclestone, who plays the role of her navigator Fred Noonan, stayed at Seagulls, while Gere slept at a rented cottage nearby. 斯旺克扮演主角爱哈特,一起出演的还有扮演她的导航员弗莱德诺曼的克里斯托夫沃尓肯。基尓住在附近租来的小屋里,沃尓肯留在酒店中。
- Necessity was the mother of innovation. 需要是创新之母。
- The key of innovation is the talents. 创新的关键是人才,高校是培养创新人才的摇篮。