- These two points are the essence of the matter, the main current. 这两点是事物的本质和主流。
- Peace and development have become the main current in today's world. 和平与发展已成为当今世界的主流。
- Of course, the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive national features. 任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特征。
- The host of the night, fast spirit, the military tactics of the variety, main current from you! 夜的主人,迅捷的精灵!,变化多端的战术,主流由你!
- A current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the direction of the main current, especially in a circular motion. 漩涡:与主流部分流向相反的水流或气流的一部分,尤指以圆周运动方式流动。
- A drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history. 逆流:与观点、传统或历史主流相反或分离的转移倾向。
- I think the modern Chinese painting is the tradition of literati painting, and it should be a main current. 艺术发展到近现代,它应该还是一种人文精神的载体。
- The main current of the culture is from the West to China in the cultural intercommunion in the Late Qing Dynasty. 晚清中西文化交流的主潮流向是从西方流向中国。
- But though they do not pose, those quiet places, yet it is through them that the deep, main current of English life has flowed. 尽管他们无声无息,毫不装模作样,深沉的、英国生活的主流却在那儿流淌。
- Since scientific management theories were born, and the neoteric rationalism has been being foundation of modern main current management theories. 自科学管理理论诞生以来,近代理性主义一直是现代主流管理理论的基石。
- Their main current use appears to be with glass fiber (in conjunction with aminosilanes) and mica in polyolefin-based composites. 它们目前的主要应用似乎是聚烯烃基复合材料中填充的玻璃纤维(连同胺基硅烷)和云母。
- The main current research in this lab, is the study on the constituents of some medicinal plants, We also interest to synthesize polymer for special utility. 本实验室主要做一些具有药性植物的成分分析。并合成一些高分子具特殊功能的用途.
- The reactionary counter-current is trying to swamp the main current of national independence and people's democracy, but it can never become the main current. 目前反动的逆流企图压倒民族独立和人民民主的主流,但反动的逆流终究不会变为主流。
- Processing for mixed feed to which nonmetallic dinerals or their processed products have been added has been a main current in modern feed industry at home and abroad. 添加非金属矿物及其加工品的配(混)饲料,已成为中外现代饲料工业的主流。
- The reactionary countercurrent is trying to swamp the main current of national independence and people's democracy, but it can never become the main current. 目前反动的逆流企图压倒民族独立和人民民主的主流,但反动的逆流终究不会变为主流。
- The main current of Qiantang estuary Jianshan reach is unsteady and the riverbed is variational.Shangyu harbor locates at the south bank of Jianshan reach. 摘要钱塘江尖山河段主槽摆动频繁、河床冲淤剧烈,上虞新港(世纪丘新围堤线外)位于尖山河段南岸,可选择范围目前恰为高滩。
- The game computer within 3500 deploys LCD display , dicaryon CPU , 160 G hard disks , 1 G memory , energy play main current asking inches to deploy Shan , demanding only! 您的位置:我也知道>电脑/网络>硬件>求配置单,要求17寸的液晶显示器,双核CPU,160G硬盘,1G内存,能玩主流游戏3500以内的电脑配置单!
- Just at the point that the rhythm threatens to cross the thin line between complexity and chaos, it's sharply jerked back to the main current of energy. 在节奏似乎就要越过复杂和混乱之间那条模糊的临界线时,它被猛然拽回到了主流的推动力中,这让我想到了宇宙,再多、再活跃的星球也都在围绕着一个巨大的脉冲运转。
- By the go into comparing with develop to EOP enterprise Office System, we can discover this system technology with being also more development than main current's. 我们可以看出这个系统的难点并不是技术,而是如何满足各个不同的企业的文化背景及运营模式。