- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- The mail is conveyed with expedition. 那封信被迅速地传递出去。
- Our letters crossed in the mail. 我们的信在邮递中互相错过了。
- I went to the post office to mail the letters. 我去邮局寄信。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
- Airmail is quicker than sea mail. 航空邮递比海上邮递快。
- He gave the little boy a clout on the head. 他在那小男孩的头部打了一下。
- Is there another mail in the afternoon? 下午还另有一批邮件吗?
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- The workers sort the mail from the mailbox. 工作人员从邮箱中分拣邮件。
- I was dazed by the blow on my head. 我的头挨了一击而觉得晕眩。
- I wrap the book in brown paper before I mail it. 我先把书用牛皮纸包好,然後邮寄。
- She leaned her head back and whispered the news. 她向后仰着头,小声说出了这个消息。
- The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head. 那匹马乱踢从它背上掉下来的骑手的头部。
- Mail comes to this remote village only once a week. 邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。