- The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity. 那位着了迷的崇拜者追踪这位名人。
- She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan. 她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。
- He is a basket- ball fan, so am I. 他是个蓝球迷,我也是。
- mahjong fan 麻将迷
- She rapped him over the knuckles with her fan. 她用扇子打他的手指关节。
- Turn the electric fan on and make a draft. 打开电扇通一下风。
- The movie star received tons of fan mail. 那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信。
- I do not know if you can call mahjong pal. 我不知道你能否把“方城之友”称为“朋友”。
- Her wild behaviour merely fan the flames of his jealousy. 她那放肆的举动把他的妒火完全煽起。
- Traditional mahjong is played by 4 players! 传统麻将由4个球员演奏无需下载任何软件!
- When she became worried, words of encouragement just fan the flame. 当她忧心忡忡时,劝慰的话只会使她更加不安。
- Even at home, people can play mahjong or pokers. 即使在家中,人们可以打麻将或捣。
- The blades of the electric fan are covered with dust. 电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。
- Click the left mouse button Mahjong tiles. 鼠标左键点击麻将牌。
- I can't wait to test my luck at the mahjong table. 我等不及要在麻将桌上试试我的手气了。
- You might win a lot at the mahjong table. 会有点赌运,在麻将台上连连获胜!
- A marked playing piece, as in mahjong. 麻将牌麻将中使用的有标记的牌
- Playing mahjong is a waste of time. 搓麻将是浪费时间。
- Four fat friars fan flickering flames. 四个修道士扇着闪烁的火焰。