- magnetic tape read head 磁带读出头
- In magnetic recording, a device which removes the magnetic tape from contact with the head on fast wind or rewind. 在磁记录技术中使用的一种机构,在快速进带或倒带时能把磁带移开,以免和磁头接触。
- A case containing magnetic tape in a reel; a cassette. 盘式磁带,卡带卷盘中装有磁带的盒子; 卡式磁带
- A facility for detecting writing errors in some magnetic tape systems consisting of using a second head adjacent to the writing head to read data immediately after it is written and to compare it with the original data as held in a buffer. 一种检测某些磁带系统写入错误的设施,这些磁带系统使用写入磁头旁边的第二个磁头在数据写入以后立即将其读出,并将它们与在缓冲器中的原始数据相比较。
- To return a magnetic tape to its beginning. 使磁带返回到其开始位置。
- A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback. 录音磁带一种相对狭长的磁带,用于录下声音以便日后重放
- In recording, iron oxide on magnetic tape. 磁记录技术中磁带上的氧化铁层。
- A file that spans more than one magnetic tape reel. 一种存放在多盘磁带(卷)上的文件。
- A video recording made on magnetic tape. 由磁带做成的视频录音带。
- To mount(a magnetic tape) onto a tape drive. 装磁带把(磁带)装入录音机
- In MSS, the portion of the data cartridge magnetic tape that is accessible to a given head position. 在海量存储系统(mss)中,可由给定磁头位置访问的数据盒式磁带中的那部分。
- tape reading head 读带头
- This magnetic tape should be rewound before recording. 这盘录音磁带在录音前应先将带倒回。
- A review on the progress in giant magnetoresistance films and their po-tential application as read head sensors for high density magnetic recording is presented in this paper. 采用分类论述的方法,围绕巨磁电阻薄膜在高密度磁记录读磁头领域的潜在应用前景,介绍了巨磁电阻薄膜的研究进展情况,并分析了其发展趋势。
- Number of binary code recording on magnetic tape per unit length. 单位长度的磁带上所记录的二进制代码数。
- Reading Play the tape Read after the tape to learn the right pronunciation. 跟读,学习正确的语音及语调,培养模仿能力。
- On dictation equipment, a spool on which magnetic tape is wound. 在口述记录设备上,一种卷绕磁带的轴。
- Rather than have the cpu input directly from cards, however, the cards were read on to a magnetic tape. 然而,这些卡片不是直接输入中央处理机,而是先读到磁带上。
- In magnetic recording,a device which removes the magnetic tape from contact with the head on fast wind or rewind. 在磁记录技术中使用的一种机构,在快速进带或倒带时能把磁带移开,以免和磁头接触。
- They have from two to seven tape heads that read and inscribe video and audio tracks on magnetic tape. 卡式录像机有二到七个磁头,以读取和刻画磁带上影像与音频的轨迹。