- magnesian quicklime 含镁生石灰
- Quicklime combines with water to form slaked lime. 生石灰与水化合成为消石灰。
- Magnesia lime is an ideal lime for construction. 苦土石灰是一种不错的建筑用石灰。
- Raw 1994 magnesian production had very great progress. 1994年原镁生产有了很大发展。
- A suspension of particles in a liquid, such as milk of magnesia. 乳剂液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳
- A magnesia - rich sedimentary rock resembling limestone. 白云灰岩一种似石炭岩,富含氧化镁的沉积岩
- The Parallel Flow Principle is ideal for producing high reactive quicklime. 并流的原理是生产高活性度石灰的理想方式。
- The characteristics of sea water and brine magnesia are described. 详述了海水与卤水镁砂的特点。
- The paper involves the formation mechanism of the strength of quicklime ... 论文探讨了搅拌生石灰桩强度形成机理,公路软基处理的有效性及适用条件。
- Through calcinations,quicklime is higher in whiteness and better in activity. 经煅烧后的生石灰白度高、活性好。
- A substance,such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate,that neutralizes acid. 解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠
- The concentrated brine was added with magnesia to absorb sulfur dioxide. 研究了添加氧化镁强化后浓海水对低浓度二氧化硫的吸收效果。
- Dolomita, Magnesia Carbon or Alumina Carbon is used for this purpose. 使用白云石、镁碳或铝碳就是为了这个目的。
- A substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid. 解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠
- Objective: To study the depilatory efficacy of sulphurate alkali + quicklime + alcohol solution. 目的:研究硫化碱+生石灰+酒精溶液的脱毛效果。
- Remember that water converts quicklime and that hydrated lime is reconverted back to quicklime through heat. 记住,可通过加水和加热实现生石灰和熟石灰之间的转化。
- The vitrifiable mixture is composed of sand, quicklime, charcoal, and soda ash obtained by burning seaweed. 这种可制成玻璃的混合物是由沙子,生石灰,煤炭,和从海藻燃烧物中提取的纯碱混合而成的。
- The optimum formula is peeled golden corn 10.0%,rice10.0% and fresh quicklime 1.0%. 主配料及配比为:去皮的金黄玉米粒10.;0%25;大米10
- Those in the north nave contained traces of quicklime -- proof that they had been subjected to fierce, prolonged fire. 中殿北侧有生石灰的痕迹,证据显示他们曾遭猛烈的大火延烧。
- Consider to make clear, magnesian intake can reduce heart disease normally, reduce blood pressure. 研究表明,镁摄入量正常可以减少心脏病,降低血压。