- magnesia cordierite 镁堇青石
- Magnesia lime is an ideal lime for construction. 苦土石灰是一种不错的建筑用石灰。
- The best scheme: The raw meal to the cordierite grog is 7:3. 混合坯料中性能最佳的方案是生料:熟料=7:3。
- A suspension of particles in a liquid, such as milk of magnesia. 乳剂液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳
- High-purity low Cordierite is produced by sintering. 应用烧结法成功地合成了高纯度低温堇青石。
- The best scheme: The raw meal to the cordierite grog is 7:3. 3. 2.混合坯料中性能最佳的方案是生料:熟料二7:3。
- A magnesia - rich sedimentary rock resembling limestone. 白云灰岩一种似石炭岩,富含氧化镁的沉积岩
- The characteristics of sea water and brine magnesia are described. 详述了海水与卤水镁砂的特点。
- Cordierite glass-ceramic material is successfully synthesized from Fly-ash. 以粉煤灰为主要原料,成功合成了堇青石微晶玻璃。
- A substance,such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate,that neutralizes acid. 解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠
- The concentrated brine was added with magnesia to absorb sulfur dioxide. 研究了添加氧化镁强化后浓海水对低浓度二氧化硫的吸收效果。
- Dolomita, Magnesia Carbon or Alumina Carbon is used for this purpose. 使用白云石、镁碳或铝碳就是为了这个目的。
- A substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid. 解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠
- A gray, green, or brown mineral similar to mica, formed by chemical alteration of other minerals, such as cordierite. 块云母类似云母的灰色、绿色或棕色矿物,由其它矿经化学变化形成,如堇青石
- A gray,green,or brown mineral similar to mica,formed by chemical alteration of other minerals,such as cordierite. 块云母类似云母的灰色、绿色或棕色矿物,由其它矿经化学变化形成,如堇青石
- The crystallization of the stoichiometric cordierite was studied by using TG-DTA and XRD. 采用TG-DTA、XRD分析了理论化学组成的堇青石微晶玻璃的晶化行为。
- In this paper, the ways to decrease the thermal expansion of cordierite honeycomb structural body is described. 详细叙述了降低蜂窝状堇青石陶瓷载体热膨胀的各种途径。
- The treated cordierite has been studied by BET surface area measurements,XRD,XRF analysis and Boehm titration. 利用BET、XRD、X射线荧光半定量分析(XRF)和Boehm滴定等测试手段对酸处理前后的堇青石进行表征;并对催化剂的反应性能进行评价.
- The process includes synthesis,dry and roast of cordierite precursor and so on . 该法由前驱体合成、干燥、煅烧等步骤组成。
- The results showed that the sinterability of magnesite-alum- ina spinel could be improved by the addition of light magnesia powder and alumina powder. 研究结果表明,添加轻烧氧化镁及氧化铝微粉对镁铝尖晶石的烧结具有明显的促进作用。