- magmatie intrusions 岩浆侵入体
- I don't welcome intrusions into my privacy. 我不希望有人干扰我的私生活。
- Top students brook no intrusions on study time. 尖子学生不能容忍学习时间受到侵占。
- The Diagnosis of Vertical Motion within Dry Intrusions. 干侵袭中垂直运动的诊断。
- I have so many intrusions on my time that it is difficult to get my work done. 我的时间常常受到干扰, 致使我难以完成我的工作。
- So we have to take a brave stand , defying obstacles and intrusions. 所以我们应该采取勇敢的立场,使障碍不至于造成更进一步伤害。
- She bridled with anger at the journalists' intrusions upon her privacy. 她对记者们侵扰她的私人生活大为气恼。
- You must protect the remaining citadels from the intrusions of the evil hordes. 生一种可以跟黑夜魔鬼对抗的保护光。
- Some lump ATVs in with snowmobiles - noisy intrusions on the natural world. 几辆全地形雪上汽车打破了大自然的宁静。
- The ultrabasic bodies are generally concordant intrusions, with related feeder dikes. 超基性岩一般为具有补给岩墙的整合侵入体。
- Early Yanshanian intrusions are mainly adamellite,biotite K-feldspar granite with small amount of granodiorite. 燕山早期侵入岩以二长花岗岩、黑云钾长花岗岩为主,其次为花岗闪长岩。
- Only young magma intrusions contain the amount of heat necessary for the heat supply of an economical geothermal field. 只有年青的岩浆侵入体才能拥有一个经济性地热田热补给所必需的热能。
- In addition, this auditing logon can prevent internal intrusions before they occur--when employees know such a trail exists. 此外,当雇员知道存在着这种线索时,这种审计登录还能在内部入侵者动手前防止其行动。
- Based on the above research, the generalization reason of Panzhihua vanadic titano-magnetite was discussed preliminarily and rhythmic magmatie deposit, which is a new thought , was put forward. 在此基础上,对整个矿床的成因进行了初步探讨,提出了韵律式岩浆矿床这一新观点。
- He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him? ? the media. 他开始懂得要想抵挡住这些侵扰,最好的办法是慢慢驯服媒体这头紧逼不放的野兽。
- So its basic task is to help avoid network intrusions by blocking unwanted traffic. 所以,它的基本任务是通过阻塞不必要的传输来避免网络入侵。
- The layered intrusions show chilled contacts against the diabases but are traversed by the dikes. 层状侵入体与辉绿岩接触处有冷凝边,但都被岩脉所穿插。
- In this paper, the distribution of the Tertiary magmatic rock in time and space, the relationship of rhe magmatism with oil/gas accumulation and the trap type related with magmati... 本文利用物探和钻探成果,对岩浆岩的时空分布、岩浆活动与油气聚集的关系及圈闭类型作了分析,并认为,本区的岩浆活动对油气聚集来说,利大于弊,西湖凹陷中南部的岩浆岩发育区是油气勘探的新领域。
- Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack of laws guarding privacy in Britain. 最近在英国,侵犯公众人物私生活的事件突出了缺乏保护隐私权的法律的问题。
- Generally, the intrusions is small and lithologic composions mainly include diorite, adamellite or syenite. 侵入岩体规模一般较小,岩性主要为闪长岩类、石英(二长)斑岩类或正长岩类的中酸性岩石。