- magma facies 岩相
- Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface. 地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。
- Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground. 当地底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。
- The blazing magma was surging by us. 那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。
- Crude: Come on, get on! Magma is coming! 克鲁德:还不快上来,岩浆就要来了!
- You may call my facies whimsical. 你可以把我这些想法称为异想天开。
- C: Between swamps and magma, we will die here! 克鲁德:前有沼泽,右有岩浆,我们完了!
- Between swamps and magma, we will die here! 克鲁德:前有沼泽,右有岩浆,我们完了!
- Its facies, structure and geneses are complicated. 其岩相、结构构造、成因复杂。
- They belong to the amphibolite facies. 属于角闪岩相产物。
- Dacitic magma is highly viscous. 英安岩岩浆粘性极强。
- They are deduced to three main types: hot chemical,biogenesis and magma genesises.The distribution of hydrogen sulfide is controlled by sedimentary facies. 硫化氢分布受沉积相控制,膏盐岩系和生油岩组合是最有利于生成硫化氢的沉积岩系组合,油源分析对比可间接反映硫化氢来源及成因。
- With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock. 温度越来越低,岩浆也就变硬,最后成了岩石。
- The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic. 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- Derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earth's surface. 火山的来自于喷出或喷在地表的岩浆的.
- If the magma breaks through to the surface,the result is a volcano. 如果岩浆冲出地面火山就爆发了。
- The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies. 沉积岩为碎屑质,大部分属于杂质砂岩相。
- The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water. 成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,混有古大气水的混合流体。
- The orebearing sequence is littoral-lagoon sedimentary facies. 层状、似层状铝土矿规模大、品位高,主要分布于豫西地区;