- Long before the Literati invented Magic Realism, the people who worked in movie studios were living it. 在文学界人士发明魔幻现实主义之前很久,在电影公司工作的人老早就生活在其中了。
- Zhaxidawa's Novels: a Kind of Magical Realism? 扎西达娃的小说:一种魔幻现实主义?
- The way that defines Magic Realism according to the ideas and emotional inclinations should be shown its imperfectness in the process of analyzing. 但在逐次分析的过程中,这种只以观念或情感倾向来定义魔幻现实主义的方式却显出了它的局限性。
- Since the Magic Realism was introduced in China in 1979,it became one of the foucs concerned by the Chinese literatis and critics. 魔幻现实主义从1979年被介绍到中国来之后,它就一直成为了中国文学家和批评家关注的焦点之一。
- On Features of Magic Realism Literature Works 谈魔幻现实主义文学作品的特点
- Jia Pingao's Acceptance of Magic Realism 论贾平凹对魔幻现实主义的接受
- On the Aesthetic Pursuits of Magic Realism 论魔幻现实主义的美学追求
- To Recount the Chinese Magic Realism 中国魔幻现实主义研究述评
- On The Magic Expression Techniques Of Magic Realism 论魔幻现实主义文学的“魔幻”表现手法
- Primitive religion life is one of the main contents that Magical Realism conveys. 原始宗教生活是魔幻现实主义表现的主要内容之一。
- Colombia writer Garcia Marquez won the mobel prize of literature in 1982.His novels represent the highest achievements of magical realism which prevailed in Latin-America. 哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯是 1982年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者 ,他的小说代表着风行于拉美的魔幻现实主义的最高成就。
- On the Religious and Cultural Topics of the Magic Realism 论魔幻现实主义的宗教文化题材
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。
- Kafka was thought to be the origin of Western Modernism Literature, with whom many trends of literature claim ties of blood, Existentialism, Surrealism, Magical Realism, Theater of Absurdity, and French New Novel are some among them. 卡夫卡被认为是西方现代主义文学的源头,在他之后的存在主义文学、超现实主义文学、魔幻现实主义文学、荒诞派戏剧甚至法国“新小说”等流派都与其渊源深厚。
- The child thought the toy car worked by magic. 这小孩认为这个玩具车是由魔力驱动的。
- Realism, economy, sensuousness, beauty, magic. 现实主义,简洁精练,刺激感官,充满美感和魔力。
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。
- The magician is waving a magic wand. 魔术师在挥舞魔杖。
- On narrative art of magic realism authors and seeking-root literature authors 魔幻现实主义作家与寻根文学作家的叙述话语艺术管窥