- An incision was made into his leg. 他腿上切开了一个口子。
- Sour grapes are made into raisins or wine. 酸葡萄就做成葡萄干或葡萄酒。
- The local cinema has been made into a bingo hall. 当地的电影院已改建成宾果游戏厅了。
- Made into, covered with, or surrounded by ice. 冰冻的做成冰的、覆盖着冰的或冰环绕的
- Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins. 很多黄金饰物回炉後铸成了金币。
- Subsequent to its success as a play, it was made into a film. 该剧在舞台上获得成功之後,又摄制成了电影。
- An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺。
- Coconut fiber can be made into mats. 椰棕可以制成垫子。
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or made into preserves. 欧楂果欧楂树的果实,生吃或做成果酱而食
- First cocoons are made into silk. 首先把蚕茧变成了丝。
- To make into a mummy by embalming and drying. 使成木乃伊通过防腐和干燥的方式制成木乃伊
- The huts can be made into temporary houses. 这些简陋的小屋可改装为临时住宅。
- Easily made into powder; friable. 易成粉末的;易脆的
- It was made into a collapsible component. 它被制成一可伸缩的部件。
- To make into or as if into a slave. 使成为奴隶使成为奴隶或使变得象奴隶一样
- To make into the shape or color of pearls. 做成珍珠形状或颜色使形成珍珠或珍珠般的形状或色泽
- Pants, such as blue jeans, made into shorts by cutting off part of the legs. 毛边短裤长裤,如蓝布牛仔裤,通过截去裤腿的一部分而制成的短裤
- Can they be made into silk fabrics? 那是不是可以用它们来做丝绸啊?
- Bamboo can be made into a good paper. 竹子可做成一种很好的纸。
- Bamboo can often be made into fine paper. 竹子常被制成优质纸。