- She made her way through the traffic to the other side of the road. 她穿过来往的车辆走到路的对面。
- She hesitated, but made her way forward. 她犹豫了一下,但向前走去。
- Catherine began to make her way up the bank. 凯瑟琳开始向河堤上爬。
- She made her way to the shopping centre of the town. 她去城里的商业区了。
- She hastily left the room,and made her way to her bedroom. 她匆忙离开了那个房间,朝她的卧室走去。
- She made her way homeward, thinking about her absence. 她径直回家去了,还在想着自己没有回家吃饭的事。
- She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bed. 他迅速离开房间,朝她床边走去。
- She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bedroom. 她匆忙离开了那个房间,朝她的卧室走去。
- She made her way homeward, thinking about her absence . 她径直回家去了,还在想着自己没有回家吃饭的事。
- Pamela is determined to make her way in the hairdressing business. 帕梅拉决心在理发业方面获得成功。
- Feebly she made her way onto the front porch and sank down on the top step. 她十分吃力地摸到前边走廊里,在顶上一级台阶颓然坐下。
- She bought the DVDs and started to make her way back to the tea house. 她买了一些。
- The night nurse made her way down through what was technically her employer's house, an ugly, ostentatious one. 那位夜班护士走下这名义上属于她雇主的丑怪而浮华的房屋。
- Very cautiously she slipped through the police cordon and made her way stealthily towards Chen Yuehngo's hut. 她很小心地越过了警戒线,悄悄地到了陈月娥住的草棚左近。
- With a fluttery wave of the hand, she turned and made her way through the jungle of tables toward the back of the room. 她挥了一挥胳膊就转身,穿过许多参差不齐的桌子,朝房子后边走去。
- When she heard the bell ringing, the old lady rose from her chair and made her way to the door. 老太太听到铃响,便从椅子上站起来,向门口走去。
- Whitehurst made her way back to shore, where she received four stitches in her right arm for a small bite wound. Whitehurst返回岸边,她的右手因被咬伤而缝了四针。
- A tall, statuesque woman makes her way down the street towards them. 一个体态优美的高挑女人沿着街道向他们走来。
- All the servants and courtiers wished her a happy birthday as she made her way across the palace. 所有的仆人和朝臣愿了她一生日快乐当她制造了在宫殿对面的她方法。
- Noticing that my daughter was very shy, our hostess went out of her way to make her feel at home. 注意到我女;儿很害羞,女主人就特意使她感觉自在。