- Who has been making hay with these papers? I left them in order and now look at the mess they are in. 谁把这些文件弄乱了?我本来把它们放得好好的,你瞧瞧现在乱成这个样子了。
- I adviced him to make hay while the sun shone. 我劝他抓紧时机。
- The rain made hay of our plans to go walking in the hills. 下雨打乱了我们去山间漫步的计划。
- She advised that he should make hay while the sun shone. 她劝说他把握时机(趁太阳大时晒乾草)。
- The rainy weather made hay of our holiday plans. 我们的度假计划全给下雨天气破坏了。
- Oh, how you are making hay of my things! 唉,你怎么把我的东西弄乱啦!
- He made hay of your arguments in two minutes. 不到两分钟,他就把你的论点驳得体无完肤。
- He assisted the farmers occasionally to make hay. 他偶尔帮助农民晒草。
- It is good to make hay while the sun shines. 晒草趁天晴。
- The candidate's opponents made hay of the scandal. 候选人的竞争对手利用这次丑闻做了手脚
- The cat made hay of my Books on the desk. 猫把我桌上的书弄乱了。
- They made hay over the bullish stock market . 利用股票牛市,他们赚了一笔。
- It is good to make hay while the sun shines . 晒草趁天晴。
- The champ has made hay of every opponent he has faced. 那位冠军彻底击败了他所遇到的每一个对手。
- I advised him to make hay while the sun shone. 我劝他抓紧时机。
- We must make hay while the sun shines. 今年冬天奶牛有足够的干草吃。
- You must make hay while the sun still shines. 你必须在还有太阳的时候晾制干草。
- Experiments show that the results of correlation method agree with those from Hay with a deviation of 1.5%. 结果表明;对比实验法的实验数据更接近理论值;最大偏差不超过1.;5%25。
- To make hay while the sun shines. 趁着晴天晒干草/勿失时机。
- We kept walking, watching two men cut hay with a large guillotine and kids running everywhere. 我一向喜欢在超市里买枸杞用来炖滋补汤,今天看到枸杞的出处,真是兴奋不已。