- The fellow made at me, so I knocked him down. 这小伙子扑向我,因此我把他打倒了。
- His attacker made at him with a knife. 那人持刀袭击他。
- The dog made at me all of a sudden. 狗突然向我扑来。
- The dog made at me all of a sudden, but I drove it off with my umbrella. 狗突然向我扑来,可是我用伞把它赶跑了。
- In the speech which he made at the fair, he appeared in borrowed plumes. 他在博览会上的演说暴露了他(不学无术)的真面目。
- The angry woman made at me with her umbrella. 那发怒的妇人用她的雨伞直向我打过来。
- Payments are made at the cash desk. 到付款处付款。
- A kite was what Bill made at school yesterday. 比尔昨天在学校里制作的是一个风筝。
- The prisoner made at the guard with a knife . 那个犯人用刀袭击卫兵。
- The presentation was to be made at a luncheon. 授奖仪式在一个午宴上进行。
- The diagnosis is usually made at laparotomy. 在此,我们报告一例大网膜出血的病例。
- The angry woman made at me with her umbrella . 那个愤怒的女人用雨伞袭击我。
- The fellow made at me,so I knocked him down. 这小伙子扑向我,因此我把他打倒了。
- Deposits can be made at any branch. 在任何一家分行都可以存钱。
- No decision has been made at the time of writing. 写这个的时候尚未作出决定。
- The prisoner made at the guard with a knife. 那个犯人用刀袭击卫兵。
- They buy things all ready made at the shops. 他们总是到商人那里去购买现成的东西。
- Deliveries should be made at the back entrance. 交货应在后面的入口处
- He normally would make at least haf of the shots. 他通常会把至少出手次数的一半球投进。
- All gains are made at some sacrifice. 一切收获都是来自牺牲。