- The student made the teacher as mad as a hornet! 学生们都快把老师给逼疯了。
- Jane can getas mad as a hornet when someone criticizes her. 当有人批评简的时候,她就很生气。
- When my father sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as a hornet. 如果我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕,他一定会气得暴跳如雷。
- Everybody that was not invited was as mad as a wet hen. 没有受到邀请的人个个都很生气。
- You are as mad as a hornet. 你气得暴跳如雷。
- She walked out of the room, as mad as a hatter. 她疯疯癲癲地离开房间。
- He has become as mad as a hatter. 他变得古怪起来了。
- She walked out of the room,as mad as a hatter. 她疯疯癲癲地离开房间。
- The insult made him go mad as a March hare. 这种侮辱把他给气疯了。
- You can be mad as a mad dag at the way things went . 你可以在不顺心的时候像疯狗一样咆哮,你可以破口大骂和诅咒命运,恨你所做过的一切。
- Mon was as mad as a wet hen when she found we had eaten the pie. 妈妈发现我们把馅饼全部都吃光了,非常恼火。
- mad as a hornet 气得发狂的
- as mad as a hornet 气得暴跳如雷; 狂怒
- Mrs Harris was mad as a wet hen when the rabbits ate her tulips. 兔子吃了哈里斯夫人的郁金香,她气得发疯。
- (as) mad as a hornet 狂怒;气得暴跳如雷
- Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese must be mad as a hatter. 要是有人认为月亮是绿色奶酪做成的,那他就一定是疯了。
- He`s supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days. 这段时间听说他总是疯疯癫癫的.
- He became as mad as a March hare due to his drinking. 喝酒之后,他变得像三月里的野兔般疯狂。
- My wife gets as mad as a wet hen whenever anyone drops ashes on the rug. 谁要是把烟灰落在地毯上,我的妻子就会恼火起来。
- If you wear that pink wig, people will think you're mad as a hatter. 带上那粉色的假发,人家会以为你是疯子的。