- macroscopic propert 宏观特性|宏观性质
- By day 4, we observed macroscopic contractions. 到第4天,我们观察到了肉眼可见的收缩。
- Macroscopic observation:a mass of tissue. 肉眼观察:红染组织一块。
- Its propert has reached the advanced internationallevel. 公司主要生产的高性能铝及铝合金焊丝材料,采用独特的表面光亮净化处理新工艺,其卓越的品质,不仅满足了国防军事工业的需求,还广泛应用于航空、航天、船舶、车辆、电力等诸多焊接工艺领域,产品性能和质量均达到国际先进水平。
- The rope is propert property to the prospering Slave rope maker. 绳子对成功的制绳者来说是真正的财产.
- And other means are used to promote sintering, adjust propert... 浇注后,烧结的涂层能自动从铸件上剥落下来,铸造缺陷少,清理方便。
- Mechanical propert ties.Longit tudinal and shear vibrat tion. 参考名称: Met thods of test ting plast tics.
- Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics. 量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基
- The quantum phenomenon is brought in macroscopic scale by BEC. 由于长的德布罗意波长,原子完全失去了孤立粒子的特征,BEC将量子现象带到了宏观尺度。
- The reform must be supported by the macroscopic economic theory. 个人所得税改革必须依靠经济学宏观理论的支持。
- It must plan macroscopic regulation for the public service supply. 必须做好对公共服务供给的宏观调控;
- I think common propert goods may not [/color:b06576509f]lead rent disspation. 思辨人Thank you.;(大意) But do you agree my point?
- The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains. 热力学把宏观世界同亚微观世界联系起来。
- Macroscopic backdropthat room established and concrete course were introduced. 介绍了该室成立的宏观背景和具体经过。
- Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level. 巨观尺度下材料机械性质之现象学。
- Macroscopic observation : A big cavity with hyperplastic soft tissue. 肉眼观察:龋洞大,内有增生的软组织。
- The CRs describe the macroscopic properties of the medium being considered. CR描述物質的巨觀性質。現在熱門的奈米科技則是利用物質的微觀特性,
- The relations among macroscopic variables of wind wave fields are intrinsic. 风浪场宏观特征量间存在固有关系。
- The influences of resin structure,selection of latent solvents and processing factors on film propert... 此外还系统讨论了树脂结构、潜溶剂及加工条件对薄膜制品的影响。
- To estabilish more inforation of the physical propert for shading nets is required. 有关于遮荫网之各项物理性质需要加以建立。