- macrofossil assemblages 宏体化石组合
- In the sense that assemblages are three-dimensional. 从这种意义上说,集成艺术品是三度空间的。
- Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae are the main components of pollen assemblages. 蒿属和藜科是花粉组合的最主要成分;
- Most of the taxa which are very important in the vegetation are reflected reasonably faithfully by the combination of pollen and macrofossil. 利用植物残体与孢粉分析相结合的方法能更准确地重建植被历史。
- No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous deposits and all the Cretaceous microfossil reports remain equivocal and require further study. 白垩纪尚无壳斗科可靠的大化石记录,微化石需要进一步研究才能确定亲缘关系以及古新世壳斗科已经分化出两个类群。
- But we still cannot deterministically predict how arbitrarily complex assemblages of these three elemental components will finally behave en masse. 但这三种粒子一旦聚集起来会产生什麽复杂的集体行为,我们仍然无法预测。
- These two granitoid series have apparent difference in their petrochemical compositions and accessory mineral assemblages. 二系列岩体的岩石化学成分和副矿物组合有明显的差别。
- The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt-thick andesite-alkaline rhyolite. 火山岩岩石组合以碱性玄武岩-粗安岩-碱性流纹岩为主。
- Two fossil spore-pollen assemblages are found in the Cretaceous red beds of Jin Ju Basin, Chekiang Province. 浙江金衢盆地白垩系红层,共发现二个化石孢粉组合。
- Combined with oil-sources features, source rock-reservoir-caprock assemblages and conveyan... 在此分析基础上,查明了饶阳凹陷下第三系隐蔽油气藏的分布规律。
- Results of MRPP suggested that different highways may be characterized by distinct vegetation assemblages. MRPP的结果暗示:不同的高速公路具有不同的植群组成。
- Among them, 12 assemblages area of heavy minerals were formed under the control of lithological and tidal current. 在岩性和潮流控制下,共形成了12区重矿物组合。
- The cells can be spherical, rod-shaped, or helical, and some form assemblages of cells, such as branching filaments. 细胞可以是球形、棒形或螺旋形,有些细菌细胞则形成聚集体,如细丝状分枝细菌。
- The target zones for prospecting include three reservoir-cap rock assemblages of Cenozoic dominated by explor... 中生界与新生界主要是岩性圈闭与构造圈闭,而古生界的主要圈闭是断块潜山圈闭。
- It is associated with the Centaurus cluster, one of the most massive assemblages of galaxies in the nearby universe. 它属于人马座星系团,后者是我们附近宇宙中最大质量的星系团组合之一。
- Wallrock alteration assemblages near orebodies are complex and wallrock alteration zonation is not obvious,presenting involving of mutil-hydro... 因此,肯德可克铁钴多金属矿床属热水喷流沉积(改造)型矿床,形成铅锌-钴铋金-铁成矿系列。
- Granitic tectono-magmatic assemblages mainly reflect the genetic connections between the magma types of granites and tectonic environments. 摘要花岗岩的构造岩浆组合主要反映花岗岩的岩浆类型与大地构造环境之间的成因联系。
- There are well source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages and suitable petroleum pool-forming conditions in Carboniferous strata. 根据石炭系石油地质条件分析,划分出巴彦浩特盆地、河西走廊东部、河西走廊西部等3个评价区块。
- According to the characteristics of pollen and spore assemblages, lithology and nanofossils, the climate in the middle Holocene was warm and humid. 根据第三阶段的孢粉组合特征、岩性特征以及微体化石可知,全新世中期的气候比较适宜,气候温暖湿润。