- This ensemble of opulent objects and lyrical pictures is displayed in rooms “papered” with intensely coloured silks. 所有华丽的物件和奔放的图片都在布有极其生动颜色的丝绸的房间里展出。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。
- His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。
- She laid the picture face downward on the table. 她把那幅画正面朝下放在桌上。
- This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry. 这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。
- My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away. 我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念品。
- The picture is much clearer with the new aerial. 装上新天线后画面清晰多了。
- The anthology reveals a prejudice in favour of lyric poets. 这部选集显示出对抒情诗人有所偏爱。
- In the picture a man is seen observing a meter. 你在图中可以看见一个人在观察仪表。
- The edges of the picture have been lapped over. 这张照片的边已经翻折起来了。
- We must find a place for this new picture. 我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。
- The picture dredged up the sad facts of his past. 这幅画使他想起伤心的往事。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- The picture now showing is a new copy. 现在上映的电影是个新拷贝。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。
- She started to become/wax lyrical about health food. 她对保健食品极为讲究了。
- The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather. 气象学者画了一张天气图。
- She was lyrical over her new coat. 她对她的新外套赞赏不已。
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。