- How should be lymph node enlargement treated? 淋巴结肿大应该怎样治疗?
- Of inguinal lymph node enlargement medication control method? 腹股沟淋巴结肿大的药物治疗控制方法?
- Trochlear go up is lymph node enlargement common at what disease? 滑车上淋巴结肿大常见于什么病?
- Lymph node enlargement occurs early in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 慢性淋巴细胞性白血病,出现淋巴结肿大较早。
- Local lymph node enlargement usually indicates a regional infection. 局部淋巴结肿大通常是意味著该淋巴节附近区域之感染。
- Soft tissue window shows bilateral hilar and subcarinal lymph node enlargement. 软组织窗显示双侧肺门及隆突下淋巴结肿大。
- There was no history of lymphangeitis, lymph node enlargement or erysipelas. 从无淋巴管炎、淋巴结肿大及丹毒史。
- He was hospitalised 5 days later and examination showed facial oedema, erythroderma with exfoliative dermatitis and diffuse lymph node enlargement. 住院5天后,体格检查发现面部水肿,呈剥脱性红皮病,全身淋巴结肿大。
- Examine the region of the branching blood vessels at their caudal end for signs of lymph node enlargement. 检查此血管尾端的,分枝血管的区域,找寻淋巴结肿大的症像。
- Mammary gland sends lymphatic caruncle formerly, often can accompany have show of systemic lymph node enlargement. 乳腺原发淋巴肉瘤,常可伴有全身淋巴结肿大表现。
- He was readmitted this time with a fungating tumor mass of hard palate and bilateral cervical lymph node enlargement. 本次复诊发现腭面肿瘤呈蕈伞状,双颈部淋巴结肿大。
- A soft tissue window scan shows a right hilar mass, subcarinal lymph node enlargement, and right pleural effusion typical of bronchogenic carcinoma. 软组织窗(纵隔窗)可见右肺门肿块、隆突下淋巴结增大及右侧胸腔积液,为典型的支气管肺癌表现。
- The results showed that MRI manifestations of lymphoma were:(1) Diffusely distributed lymph node enlargement and extraordinary ascent of T 2 signal. 结果:淋巴瘤的MRI表现:(1)广泛分布的淋巴结肿大和T2信号异常升高。
- At this time, look for signs of lymph node enlargement within the mesentery, adjacent to the spleen or liver, or along the aorta. 此时在肠系膜内部,紧邻脾脏,肝脏,或是沿着主动脉,找寻淋巴结肿大的症像。
- Multiple mediastinal lymph node enlargements were also found. 此外尚有多处纵膈腔淋巴腺肿大。
- Complication has pneumonic, thorax to accumulate arthralgia of sex of lymph node enlargement of door of fluid, lung, encephalitis, defer, cardiac muscle phlogistic, glossitis. 并发症有肺炎、胸腔积液、肺门淋巴结肿大、脑炎、迁延性关节痛、心肌炎、舌炎等。
- For purpose of this study, small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma was classified into subtypes according to tumor location and the distribution of lymph node enlargement. 而依据美国胸腔协会建议的方法,评估纵隔腔淋巴结的分布情况;
- Rarely, metastases from a small thyroid cancer may lead to presenting complaints due to lymph node enlargement, pulmonary symptoms, or a destructive bone lesion. 小甲状腺癌转移可能导致一些因淋巴结增大、肺部症状或破坏性骨损所致的症状,但这种情况较罕见。
- Supine images in an asymptomatic 34-year-old man with an abnormal chest radiograph suggesting lymph node enlargement (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4). 34岁,男性,无临床症状,胸片发现淋巴结肿大,仰卧位扫描。
- Conclusion: The main feature of sarcoidosis in FIRCT findings are symmetric lymph node enlargement in bilateral hili and/or mediastinum, nodules located along bronchovascular bundles. 结论:双侧肺门对称性淋巴结肿大和(或)多组纵隔淋巴结肿大及沿支气管血管束分布的结节影是胸部结节病的特徵性表现。