- The tower contain a hotel, luxury apartments and three floors for use by MoMA. 大楼包括旅馆、豪华公寓,其中三层供现代艺术博物馆使用。
- They placed their bets on luxury apartments vainly expecting quick returns. 他们把赌注下在豪华公寓楼上,期望迅速收回资金。
- In one extreme case they had to blow up whole blocks of empty luxury apartments to make room for new blocks of utility apartments. 最极端的一个例子就是他们不得不把整区整区的无人居住的豪华公寓都炸掉了,空出地方来修建新的经济适用房。
- The controversial Hunghom Peninsula housing estate will be torn down and replaced with luxury apartments. 备受争议的红湾半岛将会拆卸,改建豪宅。
- Urban projects, luxuri Apartments in Zagreb, Hotel komplex development in mid Dalmatia with total infrastructure. [相关分类:旅游项目,公寓,别墅,房地产经纪人
- The controversial Hunghom Peni ula housing estate will be torn down and replaced with luxury apartments. 备受争议的红湾半岛将会拆卸,改建豪宅。
- This dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa solids. It's a cut above ordinary chocolate. Our new luxury apartments are a cut above the rest. 这种黑巧克力含有70%25的固体可可成份。是一种比普通巧克力更好的饮料。我们的新豪华公寓是同类中最好的。
- This dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa solids.It\'s a cut above ordinary chocolate.Our new luxury apartments are a cut above the rest. 这种黑巧克力含有70%25的固体可可成份.;是一种比普通巧克力更好的饮料
- Beijing luxury apartments built in the last century in the 1980s, the airport near the capital Beijing Lido Hotel is the first foreigners habitat. 北京高档公寓最早建于上个世纪80年代,首都机场附近的丽都饭店是北京最早的外籍人士栖息地。
- Octavia Apartments Offers Stylish, Serviced Luxury Apartments In A Recently Renovated Victorian Townhouse For Business And Leisure Visitors To Cambridge. 欧雅公寓优惠预订,如果您需要在剑桥,联合王国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。
- Those located in old residences may be comparatively inexpensive, while the rents charged for newer, first-class, or luxury apartments may be well beyond the budget of many foreign students. 坐落在旧住宅区的公寓可能比较便宜,比较新的一流豪华公寓套间的租金远可能超过许多外国学生的预算。
- The manager showed us to our 'luxury apartment', in inverted commas. 经理带我们去看了我们所谓的“豪华单元”。
- "Too poor to live, to poor to die" is how one newspaper the northeastern city Harbin headlined a report complaining that cemetery plots were now costing more per square metre than luxury apartments. “活不起,也死不起”,是北方城市哈尔滨某家报纸一篇报道的标题,文章抱怨现在每平方米墓地的价格超过了豪华公寓。
- Beltran Leyva died during an assault by navy special forces on a luxury apartment tower in a central Mexican city. 他是多年来墨西哥抓获或击毙的级别最高的毒枭。
- The owners now provide rental : Olympic media village AO GITY business building luxury apartment business portal Scriptorium 80 square meters. 业主现在提供预租:奥运会媒体村,傲城融富中心商务大厦高档商务公寓80平米五A级豪华商务大开间写字间单元。
- C lassical pediment roof feature and elegant glass balconies are designed to bring vibrant visual character to this luxury apartment. 富古典味的建筑主体;雅致的玻璃窗露台;令位于九龙塘住宅区内的合勤名厦;更颢高贵.
- Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
- At night they sleep on the hillcrests in improvised huts and coffin-like sleeping cubicles, a stark contrast to the luxury apartment complexes they build by day. 晚上他们就在山顶上破旧不堪的棚屋和像棺材一样的简陋睡棚中过夜。这一情景与他们日益建筑的豪华大厦形成鲜明对比。
- Whether they live in artsy converted lofts, the ultimate studio bachelor pads, or luxury apartments with their own butler, your Sims will experience all of the excitement of apartment life! 不管他们是住在改造得充满艺术气息的阁楼里、最究极的单身汉工作室或者是带有私家佣人的奢华公寓,你的小人们将体验全部精彩刺激的公寓生活!
- He seemed to be wallowing in luxury. 他似乎沉溺于豪华的享乐中。