- Next day was the last day of the old lunar year. 第二天是旧历这一年的最后一天。
- On the last day of the lunar year, there is a big family dinner. 阴历年的最后一天,通常要吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭。
- The last day of the lunar year is a day for the family to get together. 年三十是全家团圆的日子。
- Grab a bowl of tangyuan and celebrate the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the lunar year. 舀碗汤圆,在旧历年的第十五天来庆祝元宵节吧。
- The Chinese zodiac, or Shengxiao, is composed of 12 animals, each of which symbolizes a lunar year. 中国的生肖由十二种不同的动物组成,其中每一个动物符号都代表一年。
- Flower Lady Day, on February 19 of the lunar year, is the festival of the Zhuang ethnic group. 壮族花王节阴历二月十九是壮族的花王节。
- Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival--the Torch Festival. 在每年农历的六月二十四,撒尼人民会庆祝他们自己的节日--火把节。
- Chinese attach great importance to New Year's Eve, not less than calends of the first month of the lunar year. 中国人对除夜是相当重视的,丝毫不逊正月初一。
- Every April 8th of Chinese Lunar Year, the crowds will gather at Gongbei Temple to celebrate Sakyamuni's birthday. 每年农历四月初八释迦牟尼佛诞辰,及孚佑帝君诞辰等庙会时,拱北殿人潮聚集,非常热闹。
- On the first day of the lunar year, he wrote in his dairy as his first writing of the new year. 大年初一,他写了篇日记,算是新年的开笔吧。
- Take a seat, please. You know, tonight is the Eve of the Chinese New Year, the Chinese Lunar Year and it is also called the Spring Festival. 请坐。今晚是中国新年除夕夜,即阴历新年,也被称为春节。
- The spring festival is the first of the lunar year, which indicates the beginning of the spring, therefore it is called the spring festival. 春节是中国阴历年的第一天,它预示着春天的开始,因此叫做春节。
- Every lunar year on April the red bream produces roe and turning fat due to they have eaten lot抯 of octopus and prawns. 每年四月,红鲷会因吃了很多章鱼及虾子而变胖并且下蛋。
- This desk calendar marks the months according to folk customs, such as writing the fifth month of the lunar year as Pu month. 这个台历用民间的习俗标注月份,比如将五月写成蒲月。
- Words on those sticks are lunar year names which represents Tian Gan Di Zhi, and Wu Xing( water, tree, gold, fire, earth). I guess they were used for Suan Gua. 竹/条上面的字是农历天干地支的60甲子内的年份和五行(,木,金,火,土)我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。
- Words on those sticks are lunar year names which represents Tian Gan Di Zhi, and Wu Xing (water, tree, gold, fire, earth). I guess they were used for Suan Gua. 竹/木条上面的字是农历天干地支的60甲子内的年份和五行(水,木,金,火,土)。我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。
- Unlike other animal stamps, shengxiao stamps are published especially for each lunar year, usually at the beginning of the lunar new year period of celebration. 生肖邮票区别于通常的动物邮票,是专为中国农历年份发行的,一般都在迎接新年或新年之初发行。
- A young man, I seethe twelfth month of the lunar year to farmers carrying large stone, the steamer into the city of Wuxi, home-based milling, steamed rice cakes. 我兴趣盎然地看他们推着磨子、唱着民歌、兜圈子磨粉,吃刚蒸熟的“涨粉”;
- Some people, because the number seven can easily bring to mind "doing the sevens," plus the fact that the seventh month of the lunar year is "ghost month," don't like it. 由于“七”这个数字容易使人想到“做七”,加上农历七月是“鬼月”,所以,有些人不喜欢数字“七”。
- Many South Koreans consult fortune tellers for advice on love and the buzz about the double-spring lunar year has caught the attention of those planning to get hitched. 许多南韩人要算命师指点爱情迷津,有关双春农历年的沸沸汤汤,已吸引有意结婚者注意。