- Look up, pull on your lower eyelid, and apply one or two drops. 眼睛向上看,翻开下眼皮,滴入一至两滴。
- Heat some olive oil and apply some under your lower eyelid using cotton sticks. 加热一些橄榄油,用棉花棒涂在你的下眼睑的低处。
- The suture method of incisure of lowe eyelid. 切口的皮肤缝合技术改进。
- Periocular basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on the lower eyelid and medial canthus. 摘要基底细胞癌好发于下眼睑及内眼眦。
- In this report, we present two cases of basal cell carcinoma which invaded the medial side of the lower eyelid and lower punctum. 本篇报告两个侵犯下眼睑内侧及泪孔之基底细胞癌的病例。
- Conclusion This operation is an effective method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion in mid and moderate degree. 结论:应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复轻重度下睑外翻是一种较为可行的手术方法。
- Objective To compare the effects between the skin flap and muscle skin flap method in the lower eyelid blepharo-plasty. 目的比较皮瓣法和肌皮瓣法在眼袋整形术中的特点和效果。
- Results During the follow-up, the wound healed satisfactorily, there was no lower eyelid extrophy and vision improved. 结果术后随访伤口愈合良好,下睑无外翻,视力改善。
- Keep the sticks there for a minute and then pat the lower eyelid to help your face absorb the olive oil. 保持棉花棒在那一分钟,然后轻拍下眼睑的低处,以帮助你的脸吸收橄榄油。
- Lower eyelid basal cell carcinoma.2.Rhombic flap.3.Rhombic flap sutured into the defect.4.Postoperative result. 下睑基底细胞癌。2.;菱形皮瓣。3
- Objective Approching an effective surgical method to the correction of traumatic lower eyelid ectropian. 目的:探讨一种效果较满意的治疗外伤性下睑外翻的手术方法。
- Objective To prevent lower eyelid pouches and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty. 目的:预防下睑袋整形术后睑外翻和下睑凹陷等并发症。
- Objective To investigate a new method of treatment for prothesis of baggy deformity of lower eyelid. 目的:研究应用加强眶隔及重叠缝合眼轮匝肌缘的方法治疗睑袋。
- Abstract:Objective To repair the herniation of the periorbital fat of lower eyelid and the hollow of the eye socket. 摘 要:目的 消除下睑“囊袋”并平复下睑眶缘凹陷。
- Objective To present a simple and effective surgery technique of repairing lower eyelid ectropion. 目的:介绍一种修复下睑外翻畸形的简单有效的方法。
- In Sicily the same idea is conveyed by pinching the cheek, in Brazil by tugging on an ear lobe, and in Colombia by pulling down a lower eyelid. 表示想法相同,在西西里是亲脸颊,在巴西是拉耳垂,在哥伦比亚则是翻下眼皮。
- Methods 68 eyes of 63 patients underwent resuturation of the lower eyelid retractor to tarsal plate and resection of the measurable lower eyelid skin. 方法对老年性睑内翻63例(68眼)施行睑板下睑缩肌缝线加固术联合下睑皮肤定量切除术,并观察术后的疗效。
- Conclusion The pathogenic factor of involutional lower eyelid entropion was solved by the better operation on many-faceted,and the effect wa... 结论本组施行的改良手术方式从多个方面解决了退行性下睑内翻的发病因素,矫正效果良好。
- Objective To explore a simple and effective surgical method for correction of severe congenital entropion in lower eyelid with inverse epicanthus. 目的探索一种简便而有效的矫治重度先天性下睑内翻并倒向型内眦赘皮的手术方法。
- Objective To research the method of rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through the combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva. 目的:探索利用经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术的方法。