- The food should be kept at low temperature. 这种食品应低温保存。
- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- Lead fuses at a low temperature. 铅在低温下就熔化。
- The low temperature froze my flowers. 低温把我的花冻死了。
- Lead will fuse at a relatively low temperature. 铅不需要太高温度即能溶化。
- The old light oil reservoirs in Shuguang Oilfield are deeply buried and low productive.The effect is poor by deepening pump depth with common pumps. 摘要曙光油田老区稀油油层埋藏深,产能低,应用普通泵加深泵挂进行深抽实际效果不好。
- The low temperature will freeze my flowers. 低温会把我的花冻死。
- At a low temperature, water turns into ice. 水在低温时就结成冰。
- The paper analyzes the reasons of vapor lock of light oil swing arm for rall tanker from oil property, oil temperature, technological flows and the wall temperature of swing arm. 从油品性质、油品温度、工艺流程和鹤管壁温等因素,剖析了铁路油罐车轻油鹤管发生气阻的原因。
- Water freezes at a low temperature. 水在低温时结冰。
- Laboratory simulation study has been conducted for thermal recovery of low permeability light oil in Zhaoyuan oilfield of Daqing by using cores and oil from the reservoirs. 摘要针对大庆肇源油田低渗透轻质油油藏特征,采用该油藏油层岩心及原油进行了热采室内模拟实验研究。
- Now air injection into light oil for EOR has received more attention. 目前注空气提高轻质原油采收率受到广泛的关注。
- Alignment requires low temperature. 取向排列需要低温。
- The North Sea produces a light oil which is highly prized in the oil industry. 卡拉梅塔出产世界上最好的橄榄油。,这是一种质量非常好的油。
- The food must be kept at a low temperature. 这食物必须在低温下保存。
- The land itself freezes in a low temperature. 土地在低温下,会冻硬。
- Cold. Er, cold. Est Having a low temperature. 寒冷的:气温低的。
- Quick dry, low temperature drying. 干燥快,可低温干燥。
- Keep in a clean, dry and low temperature site. 置于清洁、干燥及低温的环境中。
- Somewhat differently, gas generators have been used to produce fuel gas from light oil. 与此稍有不同的是,气体发生炉曾用于用轻油制出燃料气。