- low melting glaze 低温釉,低熔点釉
- Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance. 应该考虑到这种物质的熔点低.
- Polypropylene(PP) had poor foamability because of its low melt strength. 聚丙烯(PP)熔体强度低,发泡性能差。
- Aliphatic polyesters are not used for fiber production, because of their low melting points. 脂肪族聚酯没有用来生产纤维,可能是熔点低的缘故。
- Due to the formation of low melting calcium-aluminates the corrosion resistance and hot erosion strength are reduced. 由于低熔点的铝酸钙的形成,火砖的抗腐蚀能力和抗热蚀强度降低了。
- The formula contains trace amounts of halogens, low melting metals and is low in chlorides. 适合书写在不锈钢或任何表面含降解、污染或其它不利因素影响亦被关注。
- The slag system has characters of low melting point,high optical basicity and good desulfurizing capacity. 该渣系具有熔点低、光学碱度高、脱硫能力较强的特点,脱硫率达到80%25。
- Too low melt temperature: Inhomogeneous melt with cold material inside (Which cause empty parts, broken parts etc. 熔体温度太低:材料塑化不均,熔体内含冷料(从而造成充模不足,冷料,产品断裂等)
- In addition, jewelry alloys used in wax setting and casting must have the properties of low melting temperature, good fluidity and anti oxidization properties. 用于蜡镶铸造的合金应具有较低的熔点、较好的流动性及抗氧化性能等。
- Rubber protective wax is made from paraffin wax with low melting point, paraffin wax with high melting point and polyethylene wax. 橡胶防护蜡,是由低熔点石蜡、高熔点石蜡、微晶蜡和聚乙烯蜡制成的。
- The low melting point of polyethylene allows for closure of pores and reduction of flow through them at elevated temperatures. 此聚合物的低融点性可以在更高的温度下关闭毛孔并减少流量。
- The main body, tiger shaped hook handle and feet were cast separately respectively, then welded together by the terne metal with low melting point. 尊主体、虎形提梁和虎形足分别单独铸造后,以低熔点锡铅合金焊接成一体;
- Aluminum-silicon alloy casting their low melting point, formability, and can also be used for the production of foam material. 铝-硅系铸造合金因其熔点低,成形性好,也可用于制作泡沫材料。
- Large amount of film and block low melting sulfur eutectics existing at the boundaries are significant cause of the keyhole crakings. 在S的含量比较高的情况下,如果以膜状或者块状物形式分布的硫化物存在于晶界上,则容易导致晶界上结晶裂纹的产生。
- Whereas, with excessive P addition, an extremely low melt viscosity causes balling phenomena. 但若P元素过量时, 则会因熔体粘度过低而导致球化现象。
- There are many pores in the sinter, which is attributed to low melting point and crystallization capacity of the binding phase. 低氟烧结矿中存在大量微气孔是由于其粘结相的熔点和结晶能力低造成的。
- They also have low melt viscosities and are hard, even at elevated temperatures. 它们的熔融粘度低,即使在升温的条件下也能保持硬度。
- Bismuth alloys are used (because of their low melting points) in making metal castings, special solders, automatic sprinkler heads, fuses, and many fire-detection devices. 铋合金熔点低,可用于金属铸造、特种焊料、自动喷水头、保险丝以及许多防火设备。
- Burning-in technique was applied widely in casting complex bronze wares.The burning-in in the Warrior States mostly adopted the terne metal with low melting point. 铸焊技术在复杂青铜器铸造中有广泛的应用,战国时期的铸焊多用低熔点铅锡合金。
- Dibenzyltoluene(DBT) has high boiling point, low melting point, good heat-stability and similar physical and thermal properties to those of hydrogenated triphenyl. 二苄基甲苯沸点高,凝固点低,热稳定性好,其理化及热学性质与氢化三联苯相近。